3..2..1..KNOCK OUT!

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The song ended and the whole room suddenly fills with applause. Everyone in the room has smiles on their faces and are staring at me.

Im in shock, i cant stop shaking. Was i really that good?

As the applause dies down Falicia squeezes my hand causing me to turn my head to look at her, she smiles at me over excitedly. I turned to see Christine, Mitchel and Stanley standing next to me.

"Where did you learn to sing like that?" one of them said i didnt quite see who said it, cause im still so overwhelmed with what just happend to me.

They continue talking and talking and talking, so fast that i cant even answer. So i just give up and smile at them.

I look past the crowd of people gathering me, to find Dustin ,staring at me like im a godess, his eyes glistening with amazement. He sees that i caught his gaze and smiles at me lovingly, i smile back blushing in shyness.

Unfortunately i obviously had to ruin the moment by having a huge coughing fit. I just cant stop hysterically coughing. My throat kills. I need water or something. Everyone is now surrounding me, asking if im okay. I try replying 'yes' but no one understands my spastic choking language. Some people start panicking after they see my face turn as red as my hair and my eyes turn into a waterfall.

"I-Im fi-*cough* -fine ... i-i- i jus- st ... nee-ed *cough* s-some wat- water" i say uncontrollably.

"Oh, sure here." some guy said giving me his water bottle. I dont really care who' s it is, i just need water. And i need it fast. I drink the ice cold water. God this is good water! I finished drinking some of the water.

"Urm, who's water bottle is this?" I ask in a husky voice.

"Urm, mine. Thanks." Dustin said as i hand his water bottle back.

"Oh... its ..-its okay. Thanks for letting me drink from ...it." i say in shock.

"No problem" he says with that gorgeous smirk on his perfect face.

So, i drank from the water bottle that he also drank from. Thats like... kissing him... right? Well ive never had my first kiss before, so i wouldnt know. I havent even had a boyfriend before.

I lick my lips casually, processing the fact that im also swallowing Dustins suliva. I feel creepy. Oh my god! The things i would do to this boy! 'Snap out of it!' i think to myself, slapping my face mentally. Okay.. back to reality.

I hear Mr. Griffin tell everyone to sit back in their seats. Im carried away by the crowd of people and end up falling into my desk chair.

"I will tell you your grades next lesson." Sir says just as the bell rings. "Okay, you can all go except from Dylan, Falicia, Dustin, Stanley, Mitchel and Christine."

Everybody left the room in a loud noise. My group stand up behind our desks and wait for Mr. Griffin to tell us why we are here.

"I am extremely impressed with all of you, you all showed your true potential today. I am especially impressed with you Dylan. Do you take singing lessons?" He asked.

"No sir" i say

"Really?" He asked rhetorically, suprised. "you sing like a professional. Anyway, let me get to the point. You 6 work really well together. And i was hoping that you could perform infront of the school on different occasions. How would you guys feel about that?"

"I wouldnt mind" Dustin said

"Me niether" Stanley, Mitchel and Falicia said.

"I would LOVE THAT!" Christine said loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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