Hi, Mr. Gorgeous!

63 3 4

Sorry, this chapters kinda short. I'll try making the next one longer. But anyway ... Enjoy! :) x


I walk towards the schools reception, past the crowds of people. Once i reach the reception i see that my brother had gotten there before me. I wait for one of the receptionist's to assist me. After five minutes the woman sitting behind the counter calls me over.

"Can i help you, dear?" The wrinkly woman asked me in a rough voice. She's so wrinkly although she just looks like shes in her late 40's. I stand there looking at her in a day dream. My God she's ugly. I dont wanna be rude but im gonna anyway, seriously she is not attractive... in any way. She has cheap, tacky looking blonde hair that looks bigger than her face, and it was obvious that she dyed her hair that colour cause her roots are grey and dark brown. She has bags under her eyes, no eye lashes and dark blue eyes. Her makeup is hideous. She's wearing way too much bronzer on, it makes her cheek bones look sharp and jagged. And her eye make up; bright blue eye shadow from her eyelids up to her eyebrows. The woman looks terrible.

"Excuse me? Can i help you?!" She said louder trying to get my attention and talking to me like im dumb. I snapped out of my trance and replied to her.

"Urm... sorry. Yes, im a new student here, and this is my first day-" and before i could finish my sentence she interrupted;

"- Oh yes, you want your timetable.." she said quickly.

"um, yes please-"

"Well then i need your last name" she said with a rude tone in her rough voice.

Im getting sick of this woman."Well sorry, but I'd like to keep my last name, thank you very much." i said sarcastically, because i can tell this woman is not very nice by the way she was talking to me.

"No, i mean i need to kno-"

Now it was my turn to interrupt her. "-Yes, i know, im not stupid, i was being sarcastic. My last name is Diamond." I said in an annoyed voice. But then i realised i was talking to an adult. And then that hag lectured me for like 10 minutes. After she finished nagging me she gave me my time table, a map of the school and a diary planner.

Okay my time table says that i have english first, with Mr. Marshall in room 24. "Now... where is room 24?" i mutter to myself, as i hear the second bell ring.

I look at the map of the school. Woah this map is seriously messed up. "Its so confusing!" i whisper to myself, yeah, i talk to myself a lot.

"I know right" A mysteriously hot voice replies from behind me, which makes me jump out of my skin, although the mans voice is strangely comforting. I spin around to face the mysterious guy.

"Woah" I say quietly but loud enough for the boy to hear me. I stare at him mesmorised by his looks. He is now the hottest guy i have ever seen.

His hair pitch black, ruffled and spiked up, which makes him look super sexy! His eyes are amazing, they're light blue and grey mixed together with a dark ring around his iris (the coloured part in your eye). His skin colour is also a tanned olive like mine but his looks a little more tanned. I can see that this guy is ripped as i look down to his chiseled chest and ab area. He was wearing a tight black long sleeved t-shirt, but had rolled the sleeves up to his elbows, he was also wearing dark blue jeans with air forces.

Man, this guy looks like an angel! Well at least my version of a male angel... a sexy male angel...

"Hi" he said laughing with a smirk on his face.

"Hello" i replied still hypnotised.

"Enjoying the view?" he asked still with that adorable smirk on his face. When i acknowledged what he asked me i woke up from my sexy wonder land.

"Yeeaah- wait! what?" i stammered embarrassed.

He just laughed and said "So your new here right? Do you want me to take you to your first class? After all i have a free period."

"Uh, sure, thanks. This school is really big. Its like a maze or something" i say as i giggle nervously. At this point, im so nervous my hands are sweating, and i dont even know what im saying... im just talking crap.

I continue blabbering on until he rests his index finger on my lips and laughs quietly with that pretty smirk on his face.

"Do you wanna get to class or not? Cause you do realize your 25 minutes late, right?"

25 minutes?! How did time fly by so fast?!

"Shit!!" I curse as i look around panicked.

"Dont worry, Angel eyes, you've got the best excuse in the world; your new." He said calmly...wait did he just call me angel eyes?

"Okaay..." i whisper still swooning over him.

"Great!" He said loudly swinging an arm round my shoulders, as i gasp in shock. "Shall we go?"


"Room 24, here we come..." he replied in a sexy voice, almost sounding like Christian Bale, with his arm resting on my shoulders, and that signature smirk on his face.

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