"Powerless, for your love"

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Here is Chapter 4. Hope you like it! And dont forget to vote and comment. :) x


"Well, thanks for the help, guys" Dustin exclaimed sarcastically.

"Sorry, Dustin. I just really dont wanna break a nail" Christine plead.

"I didnt realize we needed any more instruments" Stanley said defending himself.

"Me too." Mitchel agreed.

"What the hell guys. Ofcourse we need more instruments." Dustin said annoyed.

Now everyone in the room is arguing, except me and Falicia ofcourse.

"Shut Up!!" Falicia screamed and everything fell silent, we all stared at her. It was shocking alright. I didnt know she had that in her. "Now, we only have 40 minutes 'till we have to perform to the whole class. So get it together! Stop arguing and lets get to work!" She yelled dominantly, at this point im pretty sure everyone in this room is scared of her. Shes a really good leader. "Does anyone have any ideas on what song we should perform?"

"Why dont we do "Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke?" Stanley asked.

"Yeah, I love that song!" Christine shouted excitedly while Mitchel nodded his head.

"Well i love that song too but, i dont think its the kinda song we can learn in just 40 minutes." i said, bumming every one out.

"Yeah, true." Dustin said as everyone mumbled in agreement.

"Okay, what songs do you know how to play?" Falicia asked us.

"Urm, i dunno. Suggest songs and i'll tell you if i can play it" Stanley said.

10 minutes went by and we finally agreed on a song. But now we only have half an hour to practice.

"Okay, so Dustin, your playing guitar right?" Falicia questions

"Right" Dustin replied.

"Im playing piano with Joy, Christine and Mitchel are playing the keyboard and your playing drums, right Stanley?"

"Yeah." Stanley said.

"Great, now everybody practice your parts individually and in ten minutes we will practice together." Falicia ordered. Like i said before she is a really good leader.

I sat down at my place on the piano, and started playing the notes fluently, until i stopped abruptly. Everyone looked at me.

"Why did you stop? That was perfect" Dustin said confused.

" We havent decided who is gonna sing." I exclaim panicked.

"Oh yeah! Who wants to sing?" Falicia asked.

"Not me!" Everyone said individually.

"I would but my throat kills!" Christine said smuggly.

"Yeah...suuure..." Falicia said slowly. "Joy, why dont you sing? You said you like singing and plus you know 'Powerless' off by heart."

"aaarrrrggghhh, but ive never sung infront of other people before, i dont even know if im that good. Besides cant you sing, Falicia?" I moan.

"No, i dont even know the words, trust me you'll do fine."

"Oh but-"

"Come on, just do it" everyone starts begging me.

"Fine! But i have to practice my part on the piano the most, so dont bother me!" i said pouting. I didnt really have to practice any more its just that i really didnt wanna sing.

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