Friends, Boys and a Piano.

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My story is still kinda introducing itself so sorry if you think its a bit boring at the moment, but i promise i will try to liven it up a bit. Anyway i hope you enjoy this chapter :) x


He walked me to room 24 for my english lesson. He told the teacher why i was late. He was so sweet, nice and kind to me. He is so hot. Yet he still doesnt know my name... and i dont know his.

I woke up from my day dream, and saw that everyone was writing in their books.

Great. Im terrible at listening, cause i always zone out. I guess i have to embarrass myself by asking the girl next to me what the task is.

"Urm.. excuse me, what are we supposed to do?"

"Hm? Oh your the new girl, aren't you? Whats your name?" The blonde girl asked in a strong polish accent. She didn't answer my question, but I'll answer hers anyway.

"Dylan Joyous Diamond. You can either call me Dylan or Joy, i don't really mind." i said with a smile. "Whats your name?"

"Thats a really nice name, Joy. My name is Falicia Zuzanna Banaszynski."

"Cool name. Lemme guess, your Polish, right?"

"Yep, its pretty easy to guess, i know." She said smiling down at her work. "Where are you from?" Falicia asked me.

"Well i was born in Florida but im half Colombian and quater Basian."

"Oh , Basian means from Barbados right? And how comes you moved here?"

"Yeah it does and well i actually moved here from Virginia. My family moves around alot. In the past five years we've moved four times."

"Your kidding right?! Thats so much!" she exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, i know right, its a real pain in the a-"

"-Quiet at the back, there! Falicia, Dylan is there something you want to share with the rest of us?" Mr. Marshall yelled.

"No sir, sorry sir" Falicia said almost robotically.

"What about you, Dylan?" He said eyeing me, evil shown in his brown eyes. Boy i hate teachers.

"No Sir! Sorry Sir!" i said as if talking to a general. And the class laughed. God knows why. I was just trying to copy Falicia.

Mr. Marshall glared at me with hate in his eyes, while the class calmed down. Why do adults despise me?

Falicia explained to me, what we have to do. And we worked in silence for the rest of the lesson.

20 minutes went by and the bell rang.

"What lesson do you have now, Joy?" Falicia asked me.

"Lemme check.." i look at my timetable. Yay! I have Music! Music and Art have always been my favourite subjects ever! Cause, you know, i love music and art in general. I dont wanna brag but i've been told im awfully good at both.

"Ive got Music with Mr. Griffin in room 7." i answer.

"Awesome! Your in my class! Can i walk with you there?"

"Sure, that would be great. I dont even know where room 7 is anyway." I said in excitement. Dont ask me why i was so excited, i think its just cause im hyper from putting too much suger on my cornflakes this morning.

We both started walking to class. "Do you want me to show you around school at break?" Falicia offered.

"Yeah, that would be really cool. Thanks." i replied.

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