Chapter Four : Part Two

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"M'Lady, if I may ask, what are you doing out here?" Anagenniménos spoke, breaking the awkward silence between us. My mind was racing, whirling. How much of my conversation with Aphrodite had he heard? Did he know that he was dragging me under a spell? Did he know that I was falling in love with him?

"Just pondering. Nature has always calmed me down. Please, have a seat." I recovered quickly
From my trail of thoughts, assuming I had been zoning out. I patted the ground beside me.

Anagenniménos seemed hesitant at first, then sat, looking around quickly as if he expected to hear the sound of a Hunter pulling back their bowstring to fire at him for sitting next to me.

"Relax. No one is here." I laughed, and he visibly relaxed, no longer tense.

"M'Lady. What is it that you require from me?" He asked slowly and deliberately.

"What kind of a man are you? Who are you? No man ever asks for chores or a job only two days into work in a place full of man-hating girls!" I exclaimed, chuckling.

Anagenniménos body seemed to hunch over. It took me a moment to realize he was crying.

I placed a hand on his back. "What is wrong Anagenniménos?" I asked gently.

"M'Lady, please forgive me. But I must go." He said quickly, choking on his words. He stood up and was about to run off before I grabbed him by his arm.

"No. Stay. That's an order." I demanded. Anagenniménos stayed where he was for another second, before falling to the ground. I needed to find out what drew me to this man. How was it, that in only two days, I was falling for him? I didn't even know who he was, or what he looked like.

"Tell me now, why are you crying?" I asked gently again.

"In my past life, there was something you reminded me of. Not with the chores, although that reminded me of my stepfather, but the man. I'm not a man M'Lady, I'm a monster." He whispered sadly. "Before I was killed, everyone told me so. I began to understand that I was, so many had died because of me. So many innocent people. So many friends. So much family. All because of me. I am a monster." He cried.

I opened my mouth to soothe him, yet nothing came out. Instead I reached forward with both of my arms and hugged him, something I had never done with a man. He tensed immediately, back straight, shoulders back. He winced slightly, as if in pain.

I released him from my hug, a bit flustered.

"M'Lady, what was that for?" He demanded, suddenly angry.

I was at a loss for words. I honestly didn't know why I had done it. He just looked so helpless and weak.

"I-i-" I stammered but he cut me off.
"No physical contact. Ever. Just because you think I looked so weak and helpless, doesn't mean you can touch me." He yelled angrily, and disappeared.

I cried. I had probably just ruined our small friendship and crushed any chance I had with being with him.

I made up my mind. I needed to know who he was. So I was going to have a chat with Hades.

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