Chapter Two

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I was still sobbing when Artemis teleported us back to camp. Kelp Head had been innocent, but yet I believed that lying bi*ch instead. I swore, drawing the attention of some of my hunters. But they were used to it as now.

Everyone knew not to mess with me, Thalia Grace, especially if I was in a bad mood, like now.

And then there was the topic of the guardian. I understood completely why we needed one, I just didn't want a male at camp. All males were pigs except Percy, yet there was a time that I believe that he, too, was a pig.

I stormed to my tent, throwing myself onto the cot. I yelled into the pillow, and thundered rumbled outside. I yelled some more insults, directed at Annabeth and our stupidity. Percy's fatal flaw was loyalty! He even said it right before he was killed. My cousin.

There was a knock on my tent door. And before you ask, yes, we have a wooden square attacked to the tent flap and a knocker so people don't just rush in. Before those was pretty hectic.

"Come in." I mumbled, my voice muffled by the pillow. Lady Artemis stepped in. She sat on the edge of my bed and gazed at the tent flap silently.

"Thalia, are you curious about the guardian? I must know who is hiding under the cloak." She spoke, out of the blue. I pondered it, and found myself agreeing. Curiosity gnawed at my bones and very being.

"Yes M'Lady. He seems so familiar, and yet, he is different. And there is the fact that Chaos herself chose him." I said, sitting up and scooting off the bed.

"Very well said my huntress. And he did say that he would follow any order I gave him. Perhaps I shall instruct him to reveal his identity to us." Artemis said thoughtfully.

I nodded. "That is an excellent idea M'Lady. Shall we?" I suggested, gesturing to the flap.

"Let's. Come along Thalia, let us find out guardian." Artemis said, walking out of my tent, me on her heels.

:|Time Lapse|:

Thirty minutes later, we found our warrior at the archery range, hitting the bullseye each time. He was rapidly shooting, faster than I'd ever seen Artemis go. Each arrow spilt another directly down the center, until the target couldn't hold anymore. And it was just tthe very center that was covered. As he fired one last arrow, there was a loud crack, and the target split open, falling backwards.

Turning, Anagenniménos looked back at us. I couldn't see his facial expression under his hood, but I had a funny hunch that he was smirking.

"Lady Thalia, Lady Artemis. I apologize for destroying a target. I will fix it immediately." He spoke, his voice low and gravely. It sounded like he was trying to change it, to make it so it didn't sound familiar. Yet, it just made him seem even more familiar.

"It is fine Guardian. I have a favor to ask of you." Artemis said, waving her hand.

"Ask anything M'Lady." He said, bowing. Who was this man?

"Who are you? I command you to take off your hood this instant." Artemis said sharply, frowning.

"I am afraid that is the one thing I cannot do. Lady Chaos has forbidden me, and honestly M'Lady, I do not wish to do so." He shot back, yet still respectful.

"I told you to show me your identity. Did you not swear to follow my every command?" Artemis snapped. I placed my hand on my belt, where my hunting knives were concealed, just in case the fight got ugly.

"Chaos has forbidden me, and I do not wish to do so." Anagenniménos snapped, his tone getting more fire.

"Tell me!" Artemis screeched. "You swore on the River Styx!"

"Chaos has forbidden me!" The guardian shouted, the Earth beginning to shake. This simply just confused me even more.

"I command you." Artemis said, becoming more calm.

"I am sorry M'Lady, but I cannot. I was killed partly because of the Hunt's foolishness in a past life, and I cannot allow that to happen again." He spoke sadly, but I could almost imagine his eyes burning and glowing from the depths of his hood.

"Who's child were you."

"I cannot and will not say."

"Then why haven't you been destroyed yet? You made an oath on the Styx."

"Chaos." He said simply, before disappearing in a flash of light.

"M'Lady, where did he go?" I gasped, scrambling around, searching for Anagenniménos.

"I do not know Thalia. And I do not know why he will not reveal himself. But I will find out." Artemis said cooly, before flashing away.

I took off running back to my tent, dodging various hunters as I zoomed past. When I got to my tent, I slipped inside quickly, before lifting up the pillow on my cot, revealing my most prized possession.

A gift from Percy.

After he had been killed and blamed, I had refused to use them, torn apart by grief and betrayal. Now that I knew he was innocent, I would no longer hide them. I would sue them to avenge his death, and doing what he did best. Killing monsters.

It was a pair of earrings. They however were not ordinary earrings at all, far from it. These earrings were special.

The user only had to think, before they would change into any weapon the user wanted. Spear, bow, sword, knives, you name it. The earrings could be it. It was a very convenient weapon that was excellently hidden. They were also large opals, black as night, and perfect for my type of clothing. Percy knew me to well.

I carefully put them in, tears falling.

I sighed, depressed, still thinking about my cousin.

I wanted him back, I missed him. That lying as* Annabi*ch could no longer be my friend.

She was going to pay.

Pay for hurting Percy,

Pay for hurting me.

And pay for taking away my brother from another mother.  

Oh, she was really going to pay.

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