Chapter Fourteen

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"Thalia, where is Lady Artemis?" Clare said, walking over to my tree. I shrugged, and continued to gaze down at Camp Half-Blood from my position on a branch.

"No idea, Clare. Percy is gone too." I said helpfully. Clare frowned.

"If that boy dares to hurt our mistress, I swear that I will rip him apart." Clare threatened, and I choked on my breath.

"Woah, woah, woah! Percy isn't a normal boy. He's also my cousin, and to kill him, you go through me." I warned. The daughter of Hecate stared at me, before she nodded her head in understanding and walked away.

Just as she left, she called over her shoulder, "I respect your decision, and I also know what it's like to love, Thalia, and it didn't bring me any good. I just hope you're right about your cousin." I swallowed.

"I hope so too." I whispered.

:|Anagenniménos' POV|:

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:|Anagenniménos' POV|:

As our lips connected, sparks flew through my body. I knew this feeling, I'd experienced it with Annabeth. But not this strong.

After a second, we pulled apart, both of us blushing furiously. Artemis looked beautiful, illuminated by the moonlight. Her silver hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her silver eyes seemed to glow.

"D-Did you feel that?" Artemis stuttered hesitantly. I nodded slowly, remembering the spark and the feeling of electricity race through my nerves.

"Yes, M'Lady. It was almost...." I trailed off, blushing. She finished my sentence.

"Like we were meant to be." She said confidently. I smiled.

"Exactly." I agreed. Artemis grinned, before frowning.

"There is no need to call me M'Lady, Perseus." She spoke. I smirked.

"Then there is no reason to call me Perseus, M'Lady." I contradicted teasingly. Artemis smiled.

"If that's how it's going to be, Perseus, then so be it. Shall we?" Artemis said, extending her hand. I paused for a moment.

Was I really going to do this? Forget Annabeth, start anew?

It only took a second before my hand clasped around Artemis', a perfect fit. There was no way I would go back to that bitch.

"We shall." I grinned, and flashed us to Camp Half-Blood.

When the light cleared, we were standing on the top of Half-Blood Hill, and there was nobody in sight.

Walking forward and through the barrier, I hesitated underneath one of Thalia's tree branches.

"M'Lady, what does this mean about your vow?" I asked nervously. I could've sworn I heard someone gasp, but there was no one there.

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