Book 2⌇7. Where It All Began

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Chapter 7 ∣  Where It All Began


"I want to speak with you," Lucca commands as I watch him halt Elani from leaving the ballroom. She immediately turns around in his grasp, the mask no longer hiding her face...

She's stunning.

Though...her eyes hold fear as she says, "Thank you for saving me, but I really must go."

"With that hunter?" Lucca motions toward Zak. I'd already noticed it too by the time he'd made his move. One of the hunter's contact lenses had slipped during the attack. One of his irises shown brown and the other white.

Micah and Remy move quickly, each taking hold of one of his arms to restrain him as another potential hostile. He struggles, dread and horror crossing his features as he's in no way stronger than either of the two who hold him.

"Don't you dare harm him," Elani growls viciously, breaking out of Lucca's hold like he's nothing.

I know he's powerful and I've never seen anyone defy him and get away with it.

"What the fuck?!" Lucca lashes out, trying to grab her again though this time, she's quicker and anticipates his movements. She ducks beneath his arm while she lifts both of her palms where they connect with his chest...hard. He staggers five feet back, the surprised expression on his face evident.

Elani brings both of her hands over her mouth, her eyes growing wide at what she's done.

"Locaine?" Ronan asks from my side.

"Yes?" I reply, my eyes not breaking away from what is happening.

Ronan's voice is cautious when he asks with curiosity, "Aren't you going to do anything? She's defending a hunter."

"That's her pet," I chuckle, knowing he wasn't part of what had just happened after all...I'd seen him attempting to remain with Elani to protect her.

Either way...

...I better stop this before it gets out of hand.

"Lucca," my voice rises just as he's about to lunge at Elani. He stops, glancing at me with complete confusion. I continue to inform him, "That her pet. He wasn't part of the group that attacked us."

"How can you be sure about that? Maybe he's a spy," Lucca hisses at Zak.

Elani immediately steps in between them and growls threateningly, her eyes shifting to a black rose. The snarl that comes from her lips is vicious, "Where the fuck do you get off thinking you can judge him?"


...talking back to a lord while the rest of us are also present.

"Or perhaps you're the spy!" Lucca spits, grabbing her wrist and pulling her toward him in the blink of an eye. Her features soften, anxiety passing over her form at his sudden movement. As she connects with his chest, she spins around in his hold until she has his arm pinned behind his back.

"It looks like she's playing with you, Lucca," I can't help but's entertaining.

This is just quite amusing. She's very strong and trained exquisitely.

I wonder who her parents are.

"Elani," I speak, my voice stern. She looks at me, her eyes reverting to the whitish blue when I order, "Let him go."

She instantly releases him. At least she regards me as her superior...

"Remy, Micah...let her pet go," they both acknowledge me when I tell them.

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