Book 2⌇10. The King's Agent

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Chapter 10 ∣ The King's Agent


I heartbeat faint.

I eyes slowly drifting open. My vision is slightly blurry, blinking a few times as I attempt to break through the fog.

Crackling embers meet my ears, the smell of burning wood fills my senses.

My eyes are adjusting slowly. I notice that I'm lying on my side, a beautiful fireplace emits a warm glow as the flames spark up through the chimney.

Am I dead?

I reach my arm out carefully toward the fireplace; it's about twenty feet away. The palm of my hand touches something extraordinarily soft, and at that moment, I realize I'm lying on it as well.

I'm resting on a decent size, ground level cot. It's draped with a soft rug, my head cushioned by a pillow. My white hair is untied, sprawling out around my still form. There is a crimson color sheet settled on my form, draping over my curves.

I lift my head up, small traces of pain lingering, but nothing like I should be in. Why am I not dead...Enock was about to kill me?

How the hell am I still alive?

It finally hits me as I shoot entirely up in a sitting position, clutching the sheet against my naked body.

What the fuck?

Why am I naked?

As I move my left leg, I feel for the first time a silver cuff clamped around my ankle. The chain runs to the post of a king-sized bed. Looking at it, it appears to give at least fifteen feet.

Where am I?

My body feels extremely weak still. My eyes widen, throwing my arm over my shoulder to touch my savage wounds.

There is nothing there...

My skin is sealed shut, any trace that would have indicated the torture I'd gone gone.

"How...?" I bring my hand back to the sheet, pulling it with both hands close to my chest.

"I gave you my blood."

Oh...hell no. Not him...I'd rather be dead.

Clutching the crimson sheet close to my body as my only protection, I turn my attention to Lucca. He's leaning against the wall near a door, his arms cross over the unbuttoned green shirt he wears. My eyes trace from his dark shoes, faded jeans, his V-cut alluring me, to his bare intimidating...strong abs, up over his arms and to his hard face.

Shit...why am I thinking like that? Stop!

Why didn't I sense him?

"Where's Killian and Zak?" I blurt out, fear rising as I recall the events that had happened right before I'd fallen unconscious.

Lucca's hazel eyes never leave me. He replies, "That group of hunters were about to kill you all. But, a vampire and two different hunters took them in the confusion when my coven attacked."

Was that Kenzie with Rainier and Janie?

If did they find us?

"Why am I your bed?" I ask, my voice hesitating for a moment. I'm not sure what he's planning on doing.

Lucca unfolds his arms, reaching one of his hands onto the table beside him. He picks up my belt, bringing it into my field of view. He pushes away from the wall, walking toward me.

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