Book 2⌇16. Sanctioned Orders

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Chapter 16 ∣  Sanctioned Orders


I force my eyes open, afraid that if I close them...'ll be for the very last time.

Even when Blaise bit me...I'd never felt a bite so powerful and commanding. The sheer force weakens and exhausts me, any fight left within me, slowly burns away. My ear-shattering scream is repressed as Locaine's fangs pierce right through to my windpipe, completely cutting me off.

My arms are listless. The grip I once held on him, falters as they fall to my sides.

In an attempt to breathe, I gasp. Only, I find myself gagging on my own blood, choking as I cough it up. My concentration is nonexistent. I have no control and even if I do manage to use my blood won't be enough to save my life.

Instantly, Locaine's fangs dislodge from my neck.

My mind is hazy. My eyes flicker to Locaine's face as the blood trickles down from his lips, beading off his chin.


I see something. Something I've never seen from anyone ever in my life. Not from my hunters, not from Kenzie or Killian, and it was only flashed briefly before my mother locked me away from the vampires that night so many long years ago.

Complete, unconditional...undying love.

"Lucca," Locaine's eyes revert to icy blue irises, trying desperately not to panic.

Why is he worried?

I'm the traitor he was so eager to execute...

I can hardly move any of my muscles, my body is using every bit of strength I have left heal the deadly bite.

More blood spills from my lips, coughing once again and choking on my own blood. It isn't enough.

My eyes are slightly glazed over, glancing to see Lucca coming into my field of view. The confusion continues as Lucca sinks his fangs into his wrist, immediately pulling it away from his blood-stained lips and bringing it to my own.

"Take his blood," Locaine's voice is on edge, trepidation concealed. When I tilt my head away, afraid this is just another trick to prolong my suffering, Locaine firmly states, "Now."

I bring my head back, glancing up at Lucca for a moment before reluctantly placing my mouth over the puncture marks. The blood trickles down my throat, warming and filling me with repose, alleviating the throbbing pain that was lingering in the side of my neck.

There's something else about Lucca's blood, my body calling to its mesmeric piquancy. A deep pull from within me that I can't causes me to suddenly let go of his wrist, my eyes flashing to a black rose and then instantaneously reverting back.

Locaine's hold on me tightens, his muscles tensing as he surveys first myself and then darts his eyes to Lucca.


...was that half a blood bond?

Is beloved? He's given me his blood once before...why is this happening now?

"Locaine!" Remy's sudden outburst causes me to shake in Locaine's grasp. My eyes watch Locaine as his own drift from Lucca and rest on Remy's. He then asks, "What is the meaning of this?"

"I saw her with the hunters," Locaine replies calmly, "I want Lucca to torture her...he has by far the best methods of getting the information that I want from someone."

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