Book 2⌇11. Testing You

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Chapter 11 ∣  Testing You


"Come the fuck on!" I growl, grasping the silver chain with both of my hands and trying to yank it.

It won't budge.

He seriously thinks I'm going to listen to him? If he believes that...he's got another thing coming.

I release an audible sigh, letting the chain slip through my fingers.

Once my ability to control my blood magic returns...I'm fucking taking your head first.

That's right; I've started a list of everyone I'm going to kill. One, Lucca. Two, Enock. Three...Killian for not telling me what blood thinners can possibly do to me!

Perhaps it slipped his mind?

Now...wouldn't that be a pretty important piece of information to know?

In two hundred years he couldn't explain that?!

I growl, glaring at the bedpost. I know I'm blaming everyone else for being in a predicament I'm in. If I'd just listened to Killian, I wouldn't be here.

A chill runs down my spine. If I'd listened to him...Killian and Zak would most likely be dead...

So, it was my life or theirs. Yea, I guess I can live with the choice I made. At least I'm not a hunter's prisoner, especially after the way Enock had tortured me.

Do I blame him?

In a; the hunters have gone through so much pain, enslavement, torture, and execution, that it's only natural he wanted to take out all the anger he had for the vampire race on me.

I was vulnerable.

Still...he is on my hit list.

I hope Killian and Zak are okay and that they indeed were rescued by Kenzie. I'm glad I made the decision to keep them out of our party. If all of us had been caught off guard, it would have been the end.


This is another problem. He wants answers that I'm not willing to give. He's given me no reason to trust him.

He saved my life...twice now.

I attempt to shake the thought away. He's an arrogant asshole who doesn't deserve my time of day. He makes me so mad, treating me the way he is.

Again...can I blame him? Nope, not at all.

After all...technically, I'm a traitor for killing Blaise and Enzo, but I can justify my actions. Until he gives me a reason to trust him, I'm not about to spill my whole life's story to a pureblood I hardly know. A small part of me believes he is working with them.

How long do the effects of a blood thinner last?

I release a frustrated sigh, clenching and then flexing my fingers, trying to feel any pull or connection I can. There's no response.

I can hear footsteps approach from the other side of the door. Surprisingly, I can hear quite well. The door isn't as thick as it appears.

"Don't worry," this is Lucca's voice. It seems like he's having a one-sided conversation. Perhaps he is on the phone with someone?

"I'll find your daughter," Lucca's voice stops after that sentence.

Who is he trying to find?

Someone's daughter?

It really doesn't matter to me. All I want is to be free of this godforsaken chain and be on my merry way of killing more of the recognized coven leaders.

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