Airplanes (John)

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:Be the Excited reader

today is the first day! first day of what you ask? SCHOOL! theres one issue though. im joining in the middle of the year! at this point everyone has there own group of friends and dont normally talk to new kids! im SUPER NERVOUS! but excited! My mom/dad/both are own a business trip and wont be back until after the school year ends. so i have a maid who also counts as a guardian she only comes on Saturdays though. and i normally go to the park on Saturdays. i wonder if theres one near me...well the bus is at the school! 

 sigh. i am super nervous/excited! what lies ahead!  i just bumped into someone!

"i-im sorry!" i apologized to the blonde boy who just picked up his bag and left. he didnt even say 'its ok' or 'You good?' i huffed lifting up my bag i followed the student into the halls i ran shright to the office and grabbed my papers. i opened my locker and stuffed my books in. grabbing what i needed i hung up my bag and coat closing my locker i headed to my first class.

(im trying to make this fluffy Chill)

i walked into class and sat down at a desk and wondered who would sit next to me. i saw the blonde boy again, girls flocked around him like geese to bread. i miss my old town. i doodled on my class list drawing trees and a pond

"Um..Hello?" i heard a boy say i looked up and saw the boy. his black hair was a mess and his blue eyes were framed perfectly by his glasses he was wearing a blue shirt and jeans the shirt had a wind symbol on it.

"Im john! John Egbert!" he smiled "You are?"

"Im F/N L/N" i smiled

we chatted until class ending and i found out we had almost all out classes together! yippe!


its saturday! im meeting john at the park today. i walked to our normal spot and sat waiting for him. i saw a paper air plane flying in the wind and it landed next to me.

'Under a cherry tree where i used to bleed' it read. i thought of the time john tried to pick me a cherry and fell scraping his knee. i walked otwards it and there was another airplane.

'high in the sky that where ill be. just you and me <3' i felt myself being lifted i started to go higher and higher unti i saw john lifing me up. i smirked

"Sup Egderp!" i yelled

"i can hear you ya know, no need to scream" he said

"kay. so why are we up here?"

"Y/N Will you go to prom with me?" he asked poniting at a heart shaped cloud i smirked

"Off corse ya big doofus!" and we kissed.

Ok so that was my first one! leave feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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