Chapter 1- Embarrassing Encounter

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A/N: HII! This is my first fanfiction everrrr! This was actually written for a friend, (@kanekiden on Instagram), so my apologies if the chapters are rather short or it seems quite bad, it was also written nearly a year ago and I'd like to think I've improved since then!  The usual fanfiction abbreviations apply, (h/c) is hair colour, (s/c) is skin colour, etc. Thank you for reading, please leave me some feedback and show some love! Enjoy!

Chapter 1

You trudged down the cobbled streets, weighed down with your heavy bags slung over your shoulders. Sweat rolling down your forehead, you almost collapsed in the blazing sun. 'Damn' you thought. 'Who knew Fiore was so bloody hot!'
You struggled with the side pocket in your (f/c) backpack as you remembered you had a map, with the guild circled about thirteen times in bright red ink. Realising you had been going in the wrong direction, you sighed and turned the other way. On doing this, you got slightly caught up in the trailing straps of your many bags, wobbled and nearly fell to the ground. You would have completely fell, if strong arms hadn't of caught you on the way, pulling you into a strong embrace. You felt abs and blushed crimson red, pushing away your saviour. A boy with pink, spiky hair stood in front of you, wearing a black jacket with a golden outline, and baggy white pants. His feet were clad in black sandals, and a blue cat with wings floated next to him.
"Woah, watch where you're going lady!"
"Sorry, sorry" You mumbled. Trying not to stare, you nodded your thanks and you both started walking again in opposite directions. You couldn't help but keep looking back at him in all his glory, his silky hair and perfectly carved jawline. You were still staring when a familiar red mark on his right shoulder caught your eye. You'd know that sign from anywhere. Fairy Tail.

Your eyes widened and you ran as fast as you could (which wasn't very fast) towards him.
"Waiwaiwaiwai wait! You're from Fairy Tail?"
"Yep!" He said with a grin. Your cheeks tinted pink as you thought of how cute he looked, when he broke your thoughts by snapping his fingers.
"Oh, um sorry yeah! Please take me to your guild! I'm an ice wizard, here to see my old friend...Gray Fullbuster?"
"Oh, sure I'll take you. Follow me. I'm Natsu by the way."
"I'm (y/n)" you said with a smile.
You walked with Natsu through the busy town, occasionally waving to people you used to know years ago.
"So you Gray's girlfriend or something?!"
Your cheeks blushed a deeper red.
"What?! No! We just grew up together!"
You decided to avert the conversation topic.
"So what kind of wizard are you anyway?"
His hand set ablaze.
"Fire?" Your jaw gaped open. You had to admit, it was rare and impressive.
He nodded. "Fire Dragon Slayer to be precise. I was taught by my father, a dragon, who left when I was little."
"A dragon was your father?"
"Yep. Enough of that though, we're here!"
True, you had been too intrigued on Natsu's fascinating childhood to realise that you were indeed stood directly in front of a tall, stone brick building with an orange banner lay at the front, brandishing the same symbol as the one placed on Natsu's arm. 'This is it' you thought, taking a deep breath. 'Hello, Gray Fullbuster.'

Natsu strolled in casually, you not too far behind him. He sat down at a table and turned to you.
"Gray is out on a job right now, but I have the perfect idea of where you can stay until he comes back!"
"Really, where?"
"LUCY!" He shouted loudly, causing a girl with blonde hair to scowl and make her way over. She was ridiculously pretty. A small part of you, in the back of your mind hoped that she didn't like Natsu, or was involved with him in any way romantically. She had big brown eyes, which blinked at you in surprise, with long lashes. Her body in a word, was perfect. She had curves in all the right places, and from the looks of her outfit, she wasn't reluctant to show them off either. She sat down next to you, and eyed Natsu suspiciously.
"What is it? Who's this?"
"She's a friend of Gray. He's out right now, so you're looking after her. Got it?"
She smiled at you.
"Sure! Hi, I'm Lucy. I'm a celestial wizard. You?"
"I'm (y/n). I'm an ice make wizard."
"Sounds great! Come with me, I'll take you to my house. You too Natsu, you should be a gentleman and take her bags."
Natsu groaned and hauled your bags over his shoulder. His muscles flexed and you felt your cheeks redden. You walked with them both, and felt sad as you realised they were quite close.
"Are you!"
Lucy went bright red. "NO!"
Natsu laughed, earning a kick from the blonde. They weren't dating. YES.

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