Chapter 3- Ice

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Chapter 3

When you unlocked the door to Lucy's house, you noticed she wasn't in. You were so tired you could just collapse; you'd had such a long, eventful day. You trudged into the living room, and you were just about to flop onto the sofa when you realised Natsu was sprawled out on it, snoring softly. His pink hair splayed out in all directions and one hand rested on his chest, the other on his scarf. You quietly chuckled and crouched down to his level, and gently stroked his cheek. "Oh Natsu, you're so cute" you whispered, and flinched as he stirred. He snorted loudly then resumed his snoring. Since you were so tired and you couldn't exactly take Lucy's bed, your only other option was to curl up next to Natsu and sleep. It's fine you thought, I'll just wake up before him tomorrow and he'll never know.

You woke up with strong, muscly arms wrapped round your torso. Without thinking, you nuzzled into the embrace until you spotted a familiar red mark on the shoulder.
"SHIT!" You shouted, immediately waking up your sleeping partner. His eyes widened when he saw you and you both jumped off each other.
"We didn't...?"
"Are you sur-"
"We haven't...?"
"We wouldn't have..."
Startled and redder than a tomato, you grabbed some clothes and ran into the bathroom. You ran yourself a steamy shower, and stood while the soothing hot water ran over your curves and smooth skin whilst your heart was beating faster than a drum. You stayed there for a while, letting the water soak up your troubles. After much mental conflict, you pulled on an/a (favourite colour) t shirt and a/an (other colour) skirt, applied minimal makeup and padded quietly into the kitchen. You grabbed some toast that Lucy had stacked, while her back was turned, and ran out the front door, causing her to be very confused when she turned back and it had gone missing. Taking a large, much needed bite of the tasty, crunchy, jam coated toast, you walked down the street happily, forgetting the horrors of the morning.

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