Chapter 8- Natsu

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Chapter 8

After a few hours, you grew very bored, and even started to consider joining the club, just because of the fact that it would get you out of this hell hole of a room. You sighed and leaned back against the cold, metal pole.
'I wonder how much I'd get paid' you asked yourself as you closed your eyes, trying to ignore the pains in your joints.

(Natsu's POV)

I walked into the guild, looking for (y/n). I realised the truth, and I needed to tell her as soon as possible. "Mira! Where's (y/n)? I need to talk to her!" I called desperately. Mira turned to me with a smile.
"She went out on a mission with Gray a few days ago."
Suddenly the guild door burst open, and Elfman hurried in, Gray slumped in his arms.
"Gray!" I called, making my way over to him as he was gently placed on a table. He was unconscious, purple bruises dominating his pale skin. His eyelids fluttered open.
"Gray, where's (y/n)?"
" her."

"Got her? WHO?"
I couldn't believe they'd managed to get to Gray like this. He was strong, nearly strong enough to beat me. The bruises on his throat looked as if talking would cause him great pain, so he winced and handed me a small, scrunched up piece of paper from his trouser pocket. An address. I nodded in thanks and wished him luck on getting better, speed walking out the guild with Happy floating by my side.

(Your POV)

You felt, in a word, drained. Drained from energy, drained from lack of water. You slumped forward, blood dripping from your nose, all thanks to your lovely torturer. He stood in front of you now, looking down at you with a face of utter disgust.
"Guessing you haven't seen sense?"
"If seeing sense is telling you who sent me, then no, I haven't."
"Tut tut, naughty little girl. What's your name?"
He laughed heartily.
"Okay then princess, your choice. Don't moan when we beat you for being difficult"

It had been another day, and you had had to resort to drinking from the dirty water the man had supplied for you. You gagged as the warm, murky liquid slipped down your throat. You slowly closed your eyes. It made you content, happy, imagining yourself in any situation other than your current one.
'Can I just die' you thought. 'I want to just die.'
"Morning princess!" An extravagant, irritatingly shrill male voice cut through your thoughts like a knife. You kept your eyes closed and remained in your current position. He didn't like this, and threw a heavy kick to your abdomen, causing you to scrunch up in pain.
"Listen, I'm getting sick of you refusing to tell me the little details. I've talked to some of the sluts under my company, I already know where you're from, and who sent you. I just need to know where they are, and what your name is. So tell me, or I will make you wish you were never born."
You sniffed and looked up through your lashes, angrily. He crouched down to your level and yanked you close to his face by a lock of your (h/c) hair. He leaned close to your ear and whispered softly:
"You are going to die."  His warm, alcohol ridden breath tickled your earlobe.
He pushed you back harshly, making pain pulse through your head as it hit the hard steel pole you were still chained to. Your wrists ached from bearing the shackles for days on end. He brought his pale fist back to deliver another punch to your face when he was knocked off his feet by an unknown force, and smashed against the wall, his face contorted in pain. You turned to see a cloud of black smoke from the impact on the wall, and there stood a familiar figure with spiky pink hair.

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