Chapter 7

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Oh, my, god. I looked at Rose with big eyes and my jaw almost hit the ground. ‘I know you hate the guy…’ I interrupted her; ‘I do not hate him…’ She interrupted me; ‘I know, you hate nothing or no one…’ I interrupted her; ‘But that is not the point! You have to call Star right now.’ Now she looked at me with big eyes; ‘B-but… She’ll…’ ‘Just call her and ask about what happened to her after school.’ Rose slowly nodded, not understanding why; ‘Okay…’ She took her phone out of her pocket en called Star. I bit my nails, then noticed I was so stopped. Rose looked at me as a sign that Star picked up. ‘Hey Star, it’s Rose. Have you done anything after school?’ I heard a sound coming from the other side, so Star was probably telling her right now. I saw Rose get paler by the second and I felt myself get angrier. That guy is so dead. I walked out of the room as Rose started to tell Star what happened to her. I walked downstairs and sat down next to Ice, who was sitting on the couch, and sighed. ‘You okay?’ He asked. ‘So much drama.’ I said as I leaned back a little more. I stood up when Rose walked in, tears burning in her eyes. I quickly walked to her and hugged her. ‘Star is coming.’ She whispered. I nodded; ‘Okay.’ I pulled back; ‘I will prepare some tea.’ Ice walked with me to the kitchen en got the tea while I poured some water in the kettle. I looked through the cabinets for the cups and I finally found them in the third, just as Ice. I wanted to get them, but he did too. Our hands touched and we pulled back immediately. I looked to the ground; ‘Sorry.’ I looked up and saw him looking to the side with a slight blush. ‘It’s okay, I’m sorry.’ He said. He looked back at me and I just barely managed to dodge his gaze. He got the cups and put them next to the kettle and continued preparing. The doorbell rang and I quickly ran to the door, revealing a pale Star. Her black hair made her look even paler. I let her in and we walked to the living room together where Rose was sitting on the couch and Ice was putting down the teacups. Star sat down next to Rose and I sat down on the couch in front of them, next to Ice. ‘So, I think you should both tell what exactly happened.’ I said. Rose and Star nodded and Star began. Rose just nodded and didn’t say anything. Then, when Star finished, she told what happened with her. It was all clear; The guy I slapped, what was his name? cheated on them. Already. I felt myself getting angry again. He won’t be happy when I see him.

After we drank the tea, Ice and I had to go home, so we did. ‘Thank you for coming with me, and thank you that you understood we wanted ‘girl talk’ like you called it.’ I said. Ice smiled; ‘Anytime. It’s kind of like, my job. But I also like to help you.’ He quickly added. We walked in through the front door; ‘We are home!’ No answer. ‘Hello?’ I asked, while Ice came next to me. Then Midnight came in. Her snow white hair was in a messy bun and her icy blue eyes twinkled, like always. ‘Welcome home Miss Louise, Ice.’ She said while she slightly bowed for me and gave a respectful nod at Ice. ‘No need for the formalities Midnight.’ I said with a smile. She smiled back. ‘Where is everyone?’ I asked her. ‘Your parents went to a gathering, Snowball went cloth shopping for your new dresses and the dresses for your mother, Flame is training with the rest of the guards, the maids are cleaning, I was waiting for your return and the cooks are grocery shopping.’ She said, counting her fingers careful not to forget something. ‘Thank you Midnight.’ She nodded and walked back to probably her room. I sighed and started walking up the stairs to the second floor, where my room was. My house was a Victorian type of house with three floors. The first floor was the kitchen, the living room, the rooms from the staff, the cooks, maids and guards so also Ice and Flame’s room, and an extra piece which is the conservatory. On the second floor there’s my room and bathroom, my parents room and bathroom and two extra bedrooms and bathrooms for visitors. The third floor is like the attic and we stock all our stuff there. Like the cleaning stuff and furniture we don’t use anymore or yet. It’s a great place for hide and seek and Ice, Flame and I played it a lot. It also has two stairs so you can quickly run away when the seeker comes up. I sometimes played there with Rose and Star too, when they still had their original names, but that changed when we got a little older and completely stopped when they had their first shift. Now almost no one comes there anymore. We have a training hall next to our house for the guards, although they do live in here, and they also stock their weapons there. Weapons like swords, sticks, rubber knifes, real knifes, sai’s, nunchakus, kunai’s, shurikens, that kind of stuff. I’ve never seen them though. Way to ‘dangerous’ and ‘un-ladylike’. The first was what Ice and Flame said, the second was my mother. I didn’t even want to go to the weapons room though. The guards also train on the grass, only inside when it rains or when it really is too cold. Which actually never is the case. Rain is actually the only reason to go inside, because it would be stupid if the guards all got sick from their training. So I was walking up the stairs when I realized Ice wasn’t following me. I looked back and saw him standing uncomfortably at the bottom of the stairs, doubting if he should or shouldn’t be coming with me. ‘Ice, are you coming with me?’ I asked, answering his silent question for him. He seemed relieved with me answering his question and he took the steps two at a time to come to me, and then we walked up normally together. The stair was from wood and had a red carpet over it. Like the one you see in the movie. It was very broad and long. I went straight to my room, Ice following me. I flopped onto my bed and sighed. I was exhausted from all the drama. I felt my eyelids close and gave in, falling asleep. The last thing I noticed were two arms lifting me up a little, then coming down again and then I felt the warm blankets as I drifted off.

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