The year is 2020. The internet is full of hateful people because the world is full of damn humans. Most of these haters are haters of anime. The otakus have had enough. A meeting was called for the National Otaku Intellectual Zealots or NOIZ for short.
"Okay dudes it is time to get serious!" Almae the leader of NOIZ stated, slamming her fist on the table in front of her. "The anime haters have spread everywhere and we cannot let them grow anymore! Any ideas on how to stop them?"
"Well those little bastards are all over the world. I say we go to war. Not just any war, but a world war. In other words, world war three!" Lucinda of Germany stated.
"I don't like war," Felicia of Italy said fearfully.
"Well world war three would happen eventually with all of these awful gits occupying the world. If somebody should start it, it might as well be us. At least this cause is worthy of such drastic measures unlike most excuses for wars," Britannia of Britain rambled.
"Yeah well I don't care what we do. Enough is enough. I say we take zem down before they win." Christine of France said.
"All those in favor of this proposal say aye," Almae stated.
"Aye!" Many shouted.
"Those who oppose say nay."
"Nay," a very shaky Felicia stated.
"Well, the voices have spoken. Ladies and gentlemen, let us prepare for war!"
Anime Fans Unite: The Start of World War III
Randomif you are an anime fan, you know there are a bunch of anime haters. this book will be the story of how anime fans unite and create world war III against the anime haters. enjoy.