Chapter 1 - Morning

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     "Hey Taylor! Get up ya sleepy head!" I heard Jack whisper infront of me. I opened my eyes to see his bright blue sapphire eyes... They always smiled, it was who he was.
"But I don't wanna..." I whined and went under the covers.
"You're a goofball just like I am ha ha" He laughed and picked me up, I shivered and growled from being pulled out of my cocoon of warmth and brought into the cold outside world.

     "What if I told you, we were having pancakes ?" Jack put me down. Pancakes!!! WE WERE HAVING PANCAKES YES! I dashed into the dining room and took a seat. Jack soon caught up and sat beside me.
"Someone's happy for pancakes!" Mark laughed from the kitchen.
"Yes, very!" I responded now wide awake.

     "Well perfect timing because they're done!" He walked in and slid a plate infront me then one infront of Jack. He put a Leo-symbol shaped one on mine, then a eye shaped one on Jacks.
"Nice touch" Jack looked up at Mark and raised an eyebrow.
"No duh, don't even ASK how long that took me..." Mark sighed.

     "Lemme guess, an hour?" I chuckled and looked up at him with Jack.
"I dunno..." Mark went back to the kitchen.
"Reeealy?" I whined "I want answers thoughhhhh"
"But I dunno how long it took me" He came out with 2 bowls of ice.

     "What are those for?" I stared at the mist coming off of them.
"You and Jack, go wake up Cole and Braydon" Mark smirked and handed Jack and I each a bowl.
"Yes!! Freaking yes!" Jack bursted up and I took my last bite then got up with him.
"To Braydon and Cole's room!" I chuckled and started to jog to their room, Jack soon catching up with me.

     "3... 2... 1..." I whispered "ICEY ICE TIME!!!" We burst into the room and I threw the ice onto Coles head and Jack did the same to Braydon.
"WHAT THE HECK?!" They both screamed and Jack and I fell onto the floor laughing.
"Ya should have.. gotten up!" Jack managed to say between laughs.
"STILL, ICE IS TOO FAR GUYS!!!" Cole yelled at us.
"It was... Marks.. Idea, bwahahahahaha!!!" I tried to say but laughter took over. Braydon growled and shaked his fist angerly.
"I would punch you two SO hard right now!!" He started to stomp out of the room covered in melting cold ice.

     "We're having pancakes!!!" Mark yelled from the kitchen.
"Ok cool, still doesn't accept the fact THAT COLE AND I ARE COVERED IN ICE." Braydon sat down at the table.
"It was SO funny though..." Mark whined as he put a plate of pancakes infront of Braydon and Cole.
Jack helped me up as we ended our laughing fit "Agreed!" he looked towards the kitchen.

(Time skip to after breakfast)

     "So, do you think Darkiplier and Antisepticeye are really gone?" I asked "Because fans started to imagine them again..."
"Hm, I dunno, it all depends as to how fans imagine them" Mark responded finishing up the dishes "For all we know they could be right outside the door waiting for us" I shivered at the thought.
"R-Really?" I stumbled.
"Who the heck knows" Jack chuckled beside me.

     "I think I do..." Braydon spoke up, he was still shivering from the ice.
"How?" Cole asked.
"Well before you rudely woke us up, I was having a nightmare.... About you know them" He sighed.
"Really?" I looked at him questionally.
"Really. Want me to tell you it?" He stared at me.
"Sure... I guess..." I looked him dead in the eyes.

     "Ok so it started when I was in my old room, back at my place..." He paused "I heard banging noises coming from downstairs. So, I got up and headed where tho noises where coming from to be greeted by Darkiplier and Antisepticeye." He took a deep breath "They said that they were coming back, no matter what it took and were going to take over Mark and Jack so they couldn't be trustred anymore..." He started to cry "Then a sharp pain in my neck, blood, and darkness..."

     "Wow..." I wanted to cry, but I hugged Jack so I wouldn't "That's... bad...  and there's nothing we can do but do a request from our fans... even that... I don't think could stop them, I just know it..." I started to cry anyways.
"Shh, it's going to be ok..." Jack started to pat my back "I know you'll always trust us, that's an extremely good thing. Because, with that Darkiplier and Antisepticeye wouldn't be able to lay a hand on you if they're going to posess us." He paused I looked at Mark "I hope."

     "It's not that, it's you guys! I don't want to risk you two to get hurt..." I looked up at Jack and Mark.
"That's nice of you..." Mark whispered.
"We'll protect you... as you protect us" Jack nudged my head with his.

(Time skip to an hour or so later)

     I'm laying down in bed, I'm not hungry for Lunch... Not with the thought of Mark and Jack being in trouble. My eyes started to get heavy as I rolled over hugging my Sam and snuggling up in my hoddie and mix of warm blankets. I stared down at the floor and started to think of what Jack said. Yes, he wouldn't but that doesn't mean if Anti was in control... Anti for sure would... and I hated the hospital. I knew I would be seeing it alot if Anti took over though.

     I wanted to close my eyes and wait until the horrid nightmare was over, but I couldn't. Though my eyes were heavy and wanted to close, if I closed them, they would shoot back open. I slammed my head against my pillow and rolled over so I ws facing the wall.

     Also, if I were to be brought to the hospital, Jack and Mark would be asked as to what happened... and me knowing them, they couldn't help but only try  to tell a lie. They would tell something 75% truth and 25% lie and I didn't want people to think Jack and Mark were crazy, but normal everyday goofballs just trying to make people happy.... But with a twist that they were posessed by their dark sides.

     My thoughts were inturupted by the door flying open. I hid behind the railing of my bunk to see Jack come in clenching his hair in his fists angrly.

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