Chapter 4 - Waking Up

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     I woke up in the same hospital, I looked to my right to see a horrific sight, Jack was in a cage... His bed was in the corner and it had a door to the side I guessing for the bathroom. There was a small slot underneath the fiberglass wall. It was the same with Mark to my left, they were both hooked up to machines, I was closer to Jack for some reason though. But they seemed all healed up atleast...

     I covered my mouth and wanted to scream, I realised I was fine though... Why was I still here- then it hit me. We weren't just in any hospital, but a mental hospital. I got up and knocked on the fiber glass wall leading out into the open world.
"H-Hello?" I wanted to cry again, but I wouldn't. A guard walked by as I turned my back away and started to slide down the wall and onto the floor. I heard the unlocking of a door near me and bolted up.

     "Huh?" I watched a door swing open beside me and I walked to look outside of it.
"Hm good timing you're awake, it's you're final day being here... Same with you're friends." The guard took a moment to guesture to Mark and Jack "None of you showed signs that you have to be here, you just had signs of ADHD. You're friends were different though, we at first thought they had a form of being bipolar but it showed as something more... Paranormal. We confirmed that they have been diagnosed with a new almost mental desease called 'Darksintos'. We linked it to 2 paranormal beings who called themselves Darkiplier and Antisepticeye. Two dark and dangerous beings that have taken over your friends." He paused to take a breath "So anyways, each entity has its own way of being defeated, and it's up to you to find out. That's all I have to say." He unlocked both Jack and Mark's door and they bolted up.

     I walked out to be embraced in a hug from Jack and Mark.
"We're so freaking sorry!" Jack cried.
"Yes, yes we are..." Mark shoved his head onto my shoulder
"You don't need to, none of this was your choice... Lets just find our way home." I led them to the car and we drove home, it was a silent drive full of tears.

(Time skip to back at home)

     "Ok... ok..." I started to slow my crying down as I walked in the door "Hey atleast we've back home..."
"True..." Jack caught up to me and threw me into a hug. He put me down and Mark did the same. I sighed, they were so innocent yet so... distant it still felt. It still felt like they were behind a screen but they were just right infront of me...

     "The guard said that both Antisepticeye and Darkiplier have their own ways of being defeated... But I feel like they only have one." I walked into my room and flopped onto my bed. Jack and Mark followed in and Mark took my chair and Jack sat beside me on the bed.
"Sam here." Jack made a horrible pun.
"Really... Puns? That's all you could think of?" Mark teased "Because it was exsamlent."
"No just no, stahp with the Sam puns" I winked "Just kiddin'... MOAR SAM PUNS!!!"

     "Welp, I can't think of anymore sadly enough..." Jack whined.
"Awwwwww" I sat up then I looked at the two goofballs in my room and rose an eyebrow.
"How about some Steven Universe?" The words slipped out of my mouth like water.
"Steven Universe?" Jack and Mark asked.
"You don't know what Steven Universe is?!" I almost yelled "IT'S ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS ON TV!!!" I ran into the living room and put on Cartoon Network, thankfuly the hour of Steven Universe was ready to watch.

     "We, are the Crystal Gems, we always save the day and if you think we can't, we'll, always find a way. That's why the people of the world, belive in, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearllll and Steven!" I sang along with the intro as Mark and Jack came in and sat beside me.
"Wow, as if I couldn't tell from a mile away, you really like this show." Jack teased.
"Well heck ya, of course!" I bounced exsitedly.

(Time skip to after watching Steven Universe)

     I turned off the TV and yawned. My arms stretched out and my right hand brushed past Jack's hair. Normaly, it was soft and fluffy, but this time it was scruffy and hard almost. I started to shake as I shoved myself closer to Mark and looked over at Jack. Sure enough, his hair was Antisepticeye's brown grey and his eyes were green.
"Jack... no... please..." I whispered. I started to cry and shoved my head into Mark's chest. He picked me up and put me on my bed quickly.
"He's going to come back, I promise." He closed the door "Bad part is... I'm just as unstable as him..." He started to cry and he re-opened the door and stepped outside of it.
"Braydon and Cole left, they weren't going to get hurt themselves... So they're out of any question..." Dark's growl like voice started to creep up in his as he started to cry.

     "We're sorry for what we've done, always... It's our promice." Mark cried harder and fell to his knees as Anti walked up to be behind him.
"Taylor, it hurts... we need your help." Mark's hair started to turn black "Our lives and everyone elses depend on you..." The trasformation finished as his eyes turned red.
"They're the ones whom lift me up high when I fall low, Mark helps me up, but Jack holds me high... They're all I need.... All I need to be lifted high from the chaos upon earth. But now they need me." I whispered to Sam while I hugged him.

     "I'm so freaking sorry guys!" I yelled as I slapped them both across the face then gave them both a punch and a kick. Anti fell hard to his knees and started to cry as his nose bled onto the floor. Darkiplier fell to his knees aswell but held his face in his hands. I watched as my eyes filled with tears as they turned back to Jack and Mark.


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