Chapter 9 - JackGlitch

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     One blue eye, one red eye. Sean's old brown-grey hair.  Green hoodie with white strings. Black jeans and black shoes. You would swear they were 12 years old. Innocence fill their eyes yet they still had a mischevious grin on their face. Leaving a glitchy trail behind them...

(Dream start)

     I checked the time, 7:20 am. I was wearing a watch ok, wierd enough. I let off a wierd smirk as I sometimes do while messing around on my laptop and thinking things to myself. I just kinda looked around blindly. I noticed something in the distance. Two glowing eyes, one was red, one was blue. The figure slowly approached me, afriad almost.
"H-Hey..." The person had a glitchy Irish accent, I noticed a trail of glitchy matter trailing behind them.
"Who are you?" I crossed my arms.

     "I'm... I'm... Jacksepticg-g-glitch..." He seeemed to be that of a young child, around 12 or so. Jacksepticglitch seemed nice.
"I'm guessing you're part of Jack?" They nodded sheepishly.
"Y-You can call m-me JackGlitch..." He gave me an awkward smile.
"Eyy bud, you don't seem half bad... unlike Antisepticeye..." I snarled when I said Anti's name. Suddenly I heard a familiar song playing nearby.

     "H-Hey isn't that Metal Cr-Crusher?" JackGlitch asked happily as I hummed the tune.
"Heck ya it is!" I started to clap to it, JackGlitch did to. We wasted our time away jamming out to the familiar tune.
"I-I better go-o" JackGlitch said with a bit of sadness in his voice "G-Gotta d-d-do some thi-i-ings, heh heh" and with that he was walking away leaving his usual trail of glitch behind him.

Then everything went black.

(Dream end)

     I woke up beside a passed out Mark who was in his chair with Jack passed out on the other side. We  were at his desk.
"That was a dream? It felt so surreal though..." I whispered. I squeezed Sam and got up. I tapped Mark and Jack on the shoulder and they slowly woke up.
"Uhm, what happened...?" Mark moaned, rubbed his forehead. Jack was oddly quiet.
"I dunno... Hey Jack you alright?" He slowly looked up at with with eyes that said 'Get out'.
"Mark, I think we need to get out..." I tugged on his flannel. He was knocked out again. Suddenly, the door slammed shut as Antisepticeye took his final formation.

     "Please no..." I whispered and put Sam in my hood. Anti started to slowly approach me, as he got closer, I backed up. I needed someone to help me... Wilford, Mark, Jack anyone!
"Jack please, I know you're in there...." I pleaded "Please take back control!"
"Jack's not here, he's weak ok? Now stop your whining ye idiot" Anti hissed "I'm much much more powerful now and you wouldn't want to hurt your pour ol' Jackaboy now would you?" He laughed and grabbed me by the arm.

     "Now..." His grin grew wide "Die." He tossed me against the ground I watched in fear, my eyes wide as a fist of Antiseptic flames came down at my face. I knew one last name I could call out for...
"JackSepticGlitch!" I screamed at the fist was layed upon my face. There he was, his red eye and his blue eye...

Then everything went black.

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