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"This way, please."

A pair of large mahogany doors were thrust open. The doors were extravagant, plaited with gold and carved with utmost precision. They seemed to be of a different century, probably one where kings and queens ruled and castles were widespread. The time, where doors as such were labelled as the 'norm'.

The enclosed area served to meet the harsh standards set by the entrance. The interior was grandiose with high arch walls. The rows of seats was dawned in the most expensive maroon leather. The grandstands at the front stood with such grace and respect, it almost made people bow to it.

"Please rise."

Everyone in the courtroom rose to their feet, be it the lawyers or the members of the public, for the Judge's arrival.

"Please be seated. As you all know, today, we are here for the first hearing of Mr Kreg Shroval's case." The judge began, speaking with such confidence and authorisation.

"Prosecution, you may proceed with your opening statement."

The prosecuting lawyer, Ms Sharmilla Boyce, stood up. She eyed the young adult seated in the adjourning table as she presented her argument.

Kreg Shroval. Kreg Shroval. Kreg Shroval.

Ms Boyce sat back down, passing the spotlight over to the defence as they rebutted and presented their opening statement. The defence attorney, Mr James Cooper, looked tired and worried though he spoke with much confidence. As he uttered his last words, he sat back down, patting his client's hand. Assurance.

"Your honour, I would like to bring forth the suspect, himself, Kreg Shroval to the stand as my first witness." Ms Boyce announced, to which the judge consented.

Kreg gulped and rose to his feet. He kept his eyes forward and kept his shoulders back. He was going to be strong and confident, he had to.

Once seated on the witness stand, a guard came forward with a bible. The oath.

"I, Kreg Shroval, declare that whatever I say from this point on, would be the truth and nothing but the truth."

Enclosed in the dark and confined walls of the prison cell, Kreg had been rehearsing that exact line the whole night, going over each and every word over a thousand times. He knew that he would be called on as a witness sooner or later, James had warned him. Being able to enunciate the oath without stuttering could be a sign of confidence and a guilt-free conscience, James had advised. The oath, since then, was the only thing that captured his attention, diverting them away from the musty rotting smell and anguish screams of his fellow inmates.

"Your honour, I have a few questions for our prime suspect Mr Shroval." The prosecutor announced.

"Carry on." The judge nodded, hands holding a pen poised over a thick wad of papers. He was ready to write down everything, ready to view all claims with a fresh pair of eyes and ears.

He was ever ready to serve justice.

"Mr Shroval, were you romantically involved with Danya Kim?"

"Objection, your honour! Irrelevant and intrusion of privacy. "

"You'll see the purpose soon, your honour."

"Objection overruled."

"Answer the question, Mr Shroval."

"I..uh.." Kreg shrugged. He kept his expression low. The strand of hope that he was clinging on to seeped away from. The time he had was ticking away with every question thrown at him. Kreg gulped.

"I'm sorry, sir. Could you repeat the ques-"

"Stop! Sorry for the interruption, your honour, but I know the truth." 

hello!! so this is our upcoming new story! we hope you will enjoy this!!

new update: 15/12/15

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