Chapter 4- Tattoos and Understatements [Part 1]

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Time was a funny thing. It flies past as when we're having the time of our lives. Extremely fast, as though it was auditioning for the next Fast and Furious edition.

But of course, when we actually do want time to slip through us, it will walk past. Scratch that, walking is way too fast of an adjective to describe time in this scenario. Time will crawl, on all fours, whenever we are struggling, just like a baby learning to move.

Funny, indeed.

Every night when we fall into a much anticipated and needed blissful rest, time will sprint faster than Usain Bolt. What seems like seconds after we close our eyes, we are awakened by shrill noises, giving rise to a new day.

Every single time this happens, we're in a shock and of course, denial. Whaaaat? It can't be morning already!

That, my dear readers, is the situation Alexis was facing when her alarm sang out the tune of Silento's 'Watch Me'.

"Alexis, I swear, you're making me hate that song! Shut it or snooze it, please," Tareena yelled from the bathroom.

Groaning, Alexis stretched her arm out and swiped the area around her. Where was the goddamn phone?

Finally grabbing onto the smooth rectangular device, Alexis turned her alarm off and sat up groggily. Glancing at her phone's time, she questioned if there was time for five minutes of shut eye.

"Oh don't you dare, young lady. Get your sleepy ass up and moving!" Tareena said, walking out of the bathroom clad in a fresh outfit.

"There goes my chances of a snooze," Alexis grumbled inwardly as she grabbed clean undergarments and an outfit to wear.

"Aye aye captain, I'm up!" Alexis mumbled as she passed Tareena.

There were clearly two types of people: Those who wake up as happy as spongebob and those who wake up feeling like the grinch.

As of then, Alexis definitely felt like the grinch, hating everything around her.

A few splashes and scrubs later, Alexis was ready to take on the day. She shimmied into her sky blue ripped skinny jeans, pulled on an off shoulder white flowy top and finished her look with a pair of red converse.

Deciding against makeup, Alexis plopped onto her bed and pulled her laptop towards her. As she waited for it to boost on, she heard an event alarm go off on her phone. With a grin, she realised that it was time.

"Daddy_Greatest is calling... Accept or Decline?" was the first pop-up she saw when the screen lit up.

Laughing, she accepted the call. It was great how he was never late. Punctuality was his strength.

"What's up, Kiddo," he shouted as soon as the connection was set.

"You don't have to shout, Dad. I can hear you crystal clear." Alexis grimaced jokingly, feigning pain..

"Oops, my bad. Can't blame me for being excited, can you?" he whispered mockingly.

"Nope, I can't. How are you, dad?" Alexis asked as she packed for school, putting a couple of notebooks and a few coloured pens in her oversized envelope clutch bag.

"I'm good, as usual." He beamed, "It's been millenias since we chatted, how are you?"

"I'm great! C'mon, you don't have to worry about me. College isn't as crappy as I expected. I, for one, have reduced my coffee intake!"

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