Chapter 1

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Your pov
As I had on my soft bed I'd had heard the sound of birds tweeting. " morning already." I thought to myself as I get out of bed. I walk to my window and opened it up to feel the warmth of the morning air on my face " What a beautiful day, I think today I'll take a walk, but first I have to get ready." Backing away from the window I moved toward the bathroom.

Time skip
After I got dressed in want to the mirror to brush my (h/c) hair. I looked on my head my two soft ear I sighed softly " I'm the a lot neko left" I frowned a little by my normal smile come back. " don't worry (y/n) you'll be fine cause today is a great day" I said to myself. I got up and want to my door " oh almost forgot" I said grabbing my (f/c) backpack and rushing to the door.

Time skip people
Walking around the forest I looked around and see a clearing with the most beautiful flowers I'd ever seen. Gasping I ran to the clearing looking around the see of there were any (f/f) around. I looked and looked then I find it I walked closer the flower. Sitting down I picked the flower up gently. "How pretty." I said as my tail wagged a little. Placing my backpack on the ground next to me, I down with the flower to my chest Then closed my eyes and want to sleep.

Marshal lee pov
Flying around Aaa was pretty nice even though I have to have this umbrella with me so I want burn to death by this GOD Forsaken sun, but it's still cool though just me myself and I a had my bass with me just in case I want to jam out. Looking to my right I see a forest clearing " hmm, that seems like a good quite place to practice so fresh new songs". I thought, flying lower to it I land near a tree with some apple on them " oh sweet snacks" I said as I grabbed a apple and sucked the red out of it. " Now let's find a good place to jam out" walking around to find the perfect place. As I was walking I saw a figure laying on the ground, " who is that?" Curious I walked near the figure as soon as come closer I saw it was I girl no a cat girl?!

So that is my first story and I'm new at this also I hoped u enjoyed chapter one of Love war~ hold up on updating okay bye beautiful peoples ✌🏻️

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