Chapter 7

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Your pov
As I started to wake up I felt movement on either side of me.
I opened my eyes only to find Marshal and Prince Gumball there with their arms wrapped around me. Blushing I slowly move their arms from around me rushed to stand on my feet.

Y/N: "W-what happened last night?" I said well looking over to the TV.

'Oh right we were watching a movie I guess we want to sleep' I thought and looked back over to the boys on the red couch hugging each other. With Gumball's cheek pressed against Marshal's chest. And Marshal was hugging him tightly with his face in his hair  

I laughed quietly seeing them like that was kinda cute. ' Wait what was I  thinking' shaking my head. Go to the kitchen I decided to go and make us some breakfast.

Y/N: I hope they like pancakes. I said and got started.

Marshal pov
Once I start to wake up I felt someone moving around in my arms. With me eyes still close I pulled the figure closer to me for warmth. ' Man I never know that Y/N was so soft' I said as I hummed in Bless. I leaned in and put my face in her hair. 'She smells like candy-' I stopped and opened my eyes with a quickness only to find two pink eyes staring back at me.

Marshal: What The Hell?!?!

I pushed him off me and went to my foot. I glared at him and said

Marshal: What are you doing?! What have you done to MY (Y/N) you Pink Bastard!!?!

I said as I looked around for the little Neko cutie.

PG: We are you saying YOU were the one who was hugging me Jerk!! And I have no idea where she is. Also she isn't Yours in the place.

He said as he got up from the ground and was getting the dust off him.

Marshal: She's mine if I say so. Now help me look will you?"

I said as I was slowly walking to the kitchen.

Gumball pov
"Tsk that jerk you can't just claim her like that." I said under my breath and start to follow him to the kitchen. Each step we take to the kitchen I can smell the sent of pancakes followed but soft humming. Standing in the door way with Marshal. I saw her the beautiful miss (Y/N) putting pancakes on plants while moving her hips side to side humming a sweet tune. She's so Pretty. As I was in a daze I don't notice that a sneaky little vampire came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her and whispered something in her ear which make her blush and pulled away from him. He just smirked and laughed.  ' He's a freaking prevent, He's pissing me off' I thought as I glared at him making my hand into a fist.

Y/N: G-good morning Marshal.

Marshal: Good morning kitty~ You made us breakfast how nice of you.~

He purred out and grabbed was plant and sat at the table.

PG: Morning (Y/N) you slept well love?

I asked her with a bright smile on my face. Her ears want red along with her face. As she stuttered out her answer

Y/N: Ye-ye-yes! Thank you for asking here's your plant.

She said as she handed me my plant and looked away from me. I had a small smile on my face ' She's so cute'. I than said "good" and went to the table with Marshal who was frowning at me. I just ignored him and waited for (Y/N) to sit before I started to eat.

Your pov
'Gumball your smile is to much for me it's so perfect.' I thought as my blush was still on my face.

PG: (Y/N) come and sit with us so we can eat together

Y/N: okay Gumball

Walking over to the table I sat down and started to eat. As I looked that them I saw that they were chatting amongst themselves. I smiled softly as they talked without a problem.  ' Today's going to be a bright day' I said laughing softly.

A/n note: hey guys it's been awhile but I'm back and here to update this story more often. I'm planning on update every Friday!!! So please be ready for this adventure for the love of reader chan!!! I'll see you guys soon!! See ya👋

Love war~  Flame prince x reader x Marshal lee x Prince gumballWhere stories live. Discover now