Chapter 4

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Flame Prince pov

I was walking down a narrow path in the forest on my way to my fire house. ' I'm glad fionna helped me make my house she's a great friend ' I thought to myself. Then I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard voices yelling. Turning to that direction I than walked to the yelling voices.

Once I'm there I saw two familiar figures budding heads, ' Oh it looks like Prince gumball and The Vampire King what are they doing out here? I said quietly to myself.

I started walking to them by stop when I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen but with cats?  But that does matter now!! What matters now is this girl she's so beautiful her ( color hair) hair and those sparking eyes. I can feel myself heating up and burning the grass. Looking down ' oh crap' quickly backing up I didn't see a rock behind me I fell on my back 'ow!' I said

Your pov

After what seemed like 20 minutes  Marshal decided to take a break but Gumball did really want to so now they're  fighting. ' what a stupid reason to fight. I said with I sweat drop.

"Shut up pinky you're not the boss here! I should've invited you in the first place I'm so stupid!" Marshal said 'geez that was rude to say' I thought

" Well sir! I just want to get to know (Y/N) I bit better and of we take a break I won't have any time the get to know her!"  Crossing his arms and glaring at Marshal.

"Well the break isn't going to be long so cool your panties!!" He growled.

'Maybe I should stop this' but before I could open my mouth to speak I hear a yelled "ow!" and smelt something burning. Looking over I see fire on the grass! 'How did that happen?!' Confused about the grass I did see the figure on the ground until it started getting up. I screamed and ran behind Prince Gumball holding his arm tightly, my tail between my legs and ears folded down to my head.

Marshal looked mad but let it go and asked what was wrong. Shaking my head Gumball placed I hand on my head to calm me down.

Gumball looked to were the fire was and have the figure. " I didn't mean to scare you" it said.

Marshal and Gumball looked surprised by the person and said " Flame Prince"  huh another Prince I quickly stepped out from Gumball and bowed my head at the Prince which he is surprised but my actions and so are the others. " I'm very sorry for acting the way I did my Prince I fell ashamed please forgive me for my actions."  Little did I know He blushed  cleared his throat but hear growling from the other two.

" it's fine I didn't mind, but you don't have to be so formal with me okay." He said with a handsome smile. Lifting my head a little and blushed looking at that smile ' ah~ so beautiful' I thought. Then I felt a hand on my upper arm and pulled me away from he, looking up to see Marshal glaring at him, looking over at Gumball he had I little glare to.

'Why are they glaring like that?'

"Hey! what are you doing here?" Marshal said

" Well I was on my way home but I heard some yelling coming from this way, I was curious so I want to see, and I guess I found two here and her to." Looking my way, blushing I looked away. Gumball saw this and said " Well ever heard of a saying that " curiosity killed the cat" I think you should follow to it and try not to be killed ." It shocked me I never thought he would say something like that.

Flame Prince laugh a little, " yeah okay." Looking to me again " hey what's your name?" Marshal was holding my arm tighter and it hurts I but tried not to show it. " what's it to you!" He said, Flame just looked at him with a dark expression, " didn't I ask you?" Marshal just " Tsk" and letting my arm go, walking to a tree to lean on.

"M-my name is (Y/n) I said shyly. He smile and walked up to me, I can feel the heat from his body it was really hot. " (Y/N) what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" blushing harder I looked down my ears twitching slightly. He was about to touch your face but was stopped but Gumball has he cleared his throat, " Flame Prince I think we should get going and don't have to time right now." Flame looked sad but looked at me with loving eyes. Wait what?!!

Suddenly he lead in and kissed my cheek to which it burned looking surprised I was looking like a deer in headlights. He laughed and said "later, flame rose" and with that he left. Gumball was shocked and Marshal was angry he walked over to me and grabbed my hand pulling me down the path we are on. I can see him blushing, ' aw cute' I thought. He than looked over his shoulder and called Gumball's name, " come on we don't have all day." Gumball get out of his shocked state and was running to keep up with us. " Hey wait for me guys!"

I hope you like it my lovelies~ just add Flame Prince so now the real war can start for (Y/N)'s heart❤️
Still cool my peoples~~

Love war~  Flame prince x reader x Marshal lee x Prince gumballWhere stories live. Discover now