Chapter 3

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We've been flying for a few minutes
and I'm super bored. What can I do to make things less awkward.

" Hey Marshal" I said as I looked at him, moving around in his arms for comfort.

" What is it ?" Not even looking at me. 'Geez,you could've said it a little more nicer.' I thought to myself.

" Oh, I'm sorry princess I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Looking down at me with a frown, I stared at him and my eyes widen and slightly blushing.

" Did I just say that out loud?" I said

" Yeah you did anyway what did you want ?" Marshal looking back ahead, my ears folded down a little from the wind on them.

" Well I wanted to do play a game or something while we're flying cause I'm bored." Marshal looked back at me and looked confused.

" What type of game can we play while I'm flying, can't move are now so what game?" Thinking for a minute then it hit me.

" We can play I Spy! It's nice and all you have to do is-" I got interrupted

" I know how to play the game." With that said we started playing it. After a while Marshal stopped flying and landed near a wall that looked like CANDY?!

"Well we're here kitty this the candy kingdom but this is just the outside, just wait for the inside." He took my surprised form and walked up to a gate make of candy, not to far I see this banana things moving in front of the gate, scared my ears folded down to my head and tail between my legs. I hide behind Marshal holding his shirt tightly. Marshal's head turns and looked at my scared form.

"Hey it's okay kitty they're just the banana guards they went hurt you." Petting my head soft I slightly purring and rubbed my head on his hand. Marshal blushed and looked away. I stop and looked at him and apologized for my acting. Marshal turned to the banana guards and said

" Hey I'm here to see PG let me in" Marshal said with a smirk

"Oh, hey I remember you! He was the one who pranked Steve that one to funny" laughing loudly, the other one just starring at me then said

" Who's that pretty girl behind you" He questioned with a smile, the one laughing stop and saw me and blushed heavy and looked away.

Marshal growled, " Any of your business now let us pass!" I jump so did the guards, " You can g-go." He said shakily. Marshal took my hand and walked inside. It was a silence between us so I decided to speak.

" u-um Marshal you okay" I asking with soft eyes. He looked at me and was glaring but soften a little bit. " I'm fine just annoyed with those dumb guards is all."

Why would he be mad at them, I mean he growled at them for no reason. Is it cause they saw me and was saying I was pretty? D- does he like me!? No that's silly why would he like me?

My thoughts were cut short by a knock on a door. I looked at this tall pink door with small pieces of candy on them. Suddenly there's this little permit maid

" oh hello Mr. lee what brings you here today. She said to him then looks over to me and smiled, " Looks like you find a girlfriend she's really pretty what's your name miss?" She asked. Marshal and I blushed at the word Girlfriend.

" She's not my girlfriend and her name is (Y/N) she's a Neko." She noticed the ears and tail then oh'd.

" Anyway is PG here or what I didn't have all day." Marshal's blush faded away and looked to the maid.

" Yes the prince is here please follow me." We entered the castle I closed the door behind us. As we walk I looked around. ' What a beautiful castle he has' I thought then a question pop up in my mind, " Hey Marshal how long have you known the prince?" He looked to me then back a head.

"A pretty long time I guess" I nodded and looked a head also.

"We're here please here" she said as she opened the door, I was excited this is the first prince a come face to face with.

" Hello Marshal and who is this?" I heard a smooth voice speak I turned my eyes to that direction and saw I handsome man, He wore all pink and had pink skin that sort of matched his clothes.

"Yo PG just come to visit you and see of you wanted to hang with me and kitty here. Pointing that me with his thumb, but the prince wasn't really paying attention to him but said " Yeah, sure"

He cleared his throat and was holding out his hand for me to shake it
" I'm prince gumball, but you can call me gumball if you want um..?"

"Oh my name is (Y/N) it's nice to meet you Gumball. Taking his hand shaking it, he surprised me with a kiss no my hand, blushing my ears popped up from my head, he looked taking back but recovered. Marshal come and take my hand from his and glared at him with sharp eyes, the prince looked to my ears to him and smiled but what you did catch was when Marshal mouthed " Mine". Which Gumball smirked a little ' so this is a battle for the beautiful midden"

" so (Y/N) what are you I ever seen your kind before" Gumball ask as he looked at me ears and tail.
" I'm a neko and my kind isn't here anymore" I said sadly, Marshal saw this and rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry for asking" he said
"It's fine, don't worry about it" smiling

The boys saw my smile and blushed ' Cute'. "So are we going to hang or not" Marshal asked looked at both of us.

I nodded and Gumball rapped his arm around me and yelled " let's go" and smiled at me. I heard a "tsk" Then Marshal come and did it the my other arm blushing and away the his left.

" Come on then" he said and we all want out the door with me smiling in the middle.

~Hope u liked it sorry it's long but I had to add PG in it. I'll try and update more but don't worry I'll update soon Peoples~ keep cool😎✌🏻️

Love war~  Flame prince x reader x Marshal lee x Prince gumballWhere stories live. Discover now