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Ahh! Over 50 votes?! You guys are amazing! I'm sorry this chapter took so long to make, I've been so busy with other things like school and family business, but here's the chapter and I hope you guys enjoy!

(Y/n) = Your name
(F/n)= Friend name

The project turned out amazing when you and Alfred finished it, earning an A on the whole project when you turned it in to the teacher after presenting it to the whole class.

"Congratulations you two, you must of worked very hard on this project." The teacher smiles, quite impressed by the results.

"We sure did! But I think (Y/N) did most of the good work" Alfred grins and looks at you making you laugh and blush lightly.

Alfred beams at your laugh. This should be easy, getting (Y/N) to fall in love with him right? Of course it would be easy! He was the hero!

You and Alfred walk back to you own individual seats and watch as the other students presents their own projects.

Resting your head in your hand you begin to zone out, thinking of random things until you begin to think of Romano. Your heart begins to beat faster as you continue thinking about him, wait...were no you couldn't be falling on love with Romano....right? He's just a friend, just.... a friend.

~Time skip~
You and Alfred leave the class, quietly walking down the hall and going to your locker to set your books inside.

"Hey (y/n) um, so there's a party going on at my house tonight and I was wondering if you may want to go..." Alfred leans against the other lockers.

You think for a minute, "Well, I geuss I can, I don't have any homework."

"R-Really?! Great! It starts at 7:00 and just wear anything you feel comfortable in! I'll see you there!" He quickly walks away before you can say anything back.

Shutting your locker, you smile and walk home humming softly.

~another time skip wow~

You look through your closet, thinking of what to wear. "Alfred did say to just wear something I feel comfortable in...but maybe jeans and a t-shirt is a bit too casual...ugh Why do I even care?!" You sigh in frustration and just grab a plain white dress that goes just and inch above your knee and put it on. You put on a pair of wedges and your black jacket. 

Not caring to put on any makeup, you look at your self in the mirror with a small smile.

"I geuss this will just have to do." Looking at the time you read "5:30".

"I have enough time, maybe I could talk to Lovino." You turn on your computer and call Lovino on skype, wondering what he was up to.

"Ah, ciao (y/n), how have you been?"

"Great! I managed to get a good grade on that project." He smiles lightly and notices your outfit.

"So ragazza, what's with the dress? Some special occasion?"

"It's nothing really special, just a party."

Lovino nods, a faint blush on his face.
" look amazing.. (y/n)" He averted his eyes, clearly nervous.
"T-Thank you Lovino." You say with a smile.

He looks back up to you and clears his throat. "I have to tell you something (y/n)."

"Yes?" You say a bit nervously yourself, not knowing if he was going to say anything bad or not.

You look at him with patient eyes.
"What is it Lovino?"
He looks back up to you, a huge smile on his face.

"Im going to America"

I know this isn't a long chapter but I finally made the tenth chapter!! I'm so happy!!

See you guys in the next one!


~Penpal lovers~ Lovino x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now