Bella- Ch.19

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WOAH I'M HELLA SORRY FOR BEING GONE SO LONG!! I know...I'm horrible haha...
A few days had past and it was finally saturday. Lovino smiled as he put on a clean black v-neck shirt. Feliciano hummed happily as he walked in Lovino's room, his eyes widening a bit as he saw his brother smiling.

"Wow fratello! I've never seen you look this happy before!" Lovino turned around to face his younger brother.

"Why wouldn't I!? (Y/n) said yes"

"To the date?.."

"Yes of course the date you idiota brother!!" Feli smiled and hugged Lovino.

"Ve! I'm so happy for you fratello!" Lovino squirmed and tried to push his brother off of him.

"Get off of me! I need to go and pick her up!" Lovino fixed his shirt after Feli got off of him. He left his room and walked into the living room to grab his keys. Feliciano followed him, a bright smile still on his face.

"I hope you have a fun time with her!" Lovino gave him a nod and left the house, starting the car and driving to (Y/n)'s house. His mind began to wonder as he thought of how the day would turn out.

He pulled up in the driveway of her house. A cold chill ran down his spine as he got out of the car, walking up to the door he hesitated a few seconds before knocking on the door.

"Oh! I'm coming just a second!" His heard leaped once he heard (y/n)'s voice.

She opened the door and greeted him with a smile. He smiled back, noticing that she was wearing a casual (f/c) shirt and (f/c) pants/skirt (you can change this if you want). A faint blush tainted his cheeks.

"A-ah, ciao (y/n)! You l-look very pretty today!- w-well I mean you always look pretty!.. i-i mean!-" He stopped himself, clearing his throat. "S-Sorry, bella..." You laughed and grabbed his hand. "It's fine Lovi, really. Now let's go!" (Y/n) smiled brightly and locked the door to her house. He lead her to his car, opening the passenger door for her. He got in the drivers seat and backed out of the driveway.

He turned on the radio as one song ended. Hearing the next song play, you couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, this is one of my favorites!" You began to sing along with the lyrics. You nudged Lovino, trying to get him to sing with you. He laughed softly and shook his head, saying how he didn't really sing.

"Aw c'mon Lovi! Sing with me!" You pleaded slightly. He looked at you and sighed, giving in.

"Alright alright" He began singing along with you as you turned the radio up louder.

Both of you sang a bit louder, the song finally ending. The next one began to play and you both sang that one also. Lovino noticed the aquarium up ahead and pulled into the parking lot, trying to find a good space.

"This is gonna be so much fun." (Y/n) said and looked over at Lovino.
"Yeah, it definitely will." He smiled, truly happy that he was actually by her side. He opened his mouth to say something else but quickly shut it.

He wish he could say what he truly felt.

Without being so scared.


(F/c) = favorite color

Bella= Beautiful


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