The story begins

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  In a not so far away place in a rather recent time a little girl was born in the North American Rockies. Now she grew up in the mountains, to be more specific a place called snowy mountain in the Rockies of North America, it was called snowy mountain because for some unexplained reason if you go up a little ways there is snow all year round and no one knows why. It's not cause the elevation is high cause its boiling hot summer one step then you go a step further and its a winter wonderland, well before people were crowding the mountains and back when no one cared about the land. There her daddy bought the whole mountain. 

   So every year at the little girl's house they had a huge thanksgiving and just in her family there was 30 people but then her mother invites our aunts and uncles and cousins and just for the fun of it she tell them to invite friends. Now back then she was one of the most shy people you ever saw. she hated crowds and always felt so awkward and insecure at thanksgiving.

 This particular night Ash was feeling worse than usual about the crowds and was feeling like she was either gonna throw up or start crying or both so Ash ran out the door into the cool night air.

 Ash knew no one would miss her in such a big family they were just happy when she wasn't running around destroying stuff. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath still feeling to close to the noise. Ash decided to walk up to the cliffs and maybe even go a little higher to where the snow was and dive face first into it and forget that anything else exists. As she walked along it took her five or ten minutes to realize that something was different about tonight, then she realized it was the moon it was so bright it almost seamed like day it was so beautiful. Now I had been told many, many, many times to NEVER go to the cliffs alone but on this warm November night just being out side the house felt so right she was sure nothing could go wrong. Besides she's a care full person.

  She finally made it to the cliffs but as she got close she thought she heard something so she went into stealth mode and sneaked around through the bushes to get a look at where she heard the sound from. (Growing up in the woods I was an expert at stealth, the best in my family) she finally got to where she had a clear view of the cliffs and that's when she saw him.   

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