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  Ash quickly sent a text to Que telling him briefly what she found. The she sent the recording to Jago to translate for her. Then she went to the pole where her father was tied and cut the ropes then carefully eased him onto the floor. They would have to destroy the base later, right now the only thing that mattered was getting him out of here and to a hospital. Ash's phone vibrated it was Jago "What did you find?" she asked "This is strange" Jago said "this language hasn't been used in centuries I only found traces of it in the most ancient historical sites." "Were you able to translate?" Ash asked "Ya I was." Jago sounded very pleased with himself. "I'm guessing they are required to only speak this language to each other but not around other people, here I'm sending the recording now." There wasn't much anything of use on the translated recording. They thought they heard a noise so they came to check it out. Then when they found nothing the third guy had come in and ordered them to get out there now because something strange was happening and they could be under attack. Then the first guy had kicked her father muttering something about a dirty spy. They thought her father was a spy! How ridiculous.

 "Que we got to get out of here and get him so medical help." A few seconds later Ash heard some commotion outside and they Que came crashing through the door on one of the snowmobiles. He helped Ash get her father onto the snowmobile and then raced out the door. Once they were a safe distance away Ash shot ice and snow way up onto the mountain and then it started. An avalanche it was bigger than she thought it would be so they hurried to the other snowmobile and got out of there. When they topped a hill they looked back the avalanche raged down the mountain and swallowed the whole base. It was almost beautiful in the most terrifying way. As they raced down the mountain Ash's father riding with Que they didn't even stop at the mountain house but headed straight to town. Ash texted Jago telling him they had a wounded man and were taking him to the hospital, but she was not quite ready to tell them it was their father yet. 

 They got to the emergency room and they rushed him into surgery he was in bad shape, he would have died that night if she hadn't found him. Ash texted her best friend Roe that lived in town and told her she was at the hospital with someone. Roe was there with in minutes she was the most beautiful wonderful person Ash knew, and her only real friend. Ash ran and gave her a huge hug right now she just needed a friend, after her sister dying and her father missing and then getting engaged and shot at and finding her father, she just needed a hug. Que said he would wait and text her if anything happened so the girls could go get some coffee and have a minute to talk. "Who is that?" Roe asked before they left. Oh great Roe was going to want to pummel her, with not wanting to let their secret out and then getting shot at the day they got engaged Ash had not told Roe about Que and now they were engaged. "Roe this is my fiance Aquilo, Que this is Roe." "Nice to me..." Que started "Your what!!!" Roe interrupted "I'm sorry that was rude, hi nice to meet you, who are you, where did you come from, and if you hurt my friend your going to wish you were back there." "Okay.." Que stammered "ummm, Ash she scares me a little." Que whispered "Ok Roe calm down lets go get the coffee Que and I are freezing, then I will explain everything." The girls headed to the cafeteria Ash had to make Roe not to interrupt till she was done or she would never get through it all. Ash told her everything from when she first saw Que up until now. When she was done she watched different looks go across her friends face. First anger for not knowing what was going on in her friends house, then sorrow for the pain of a family member passing and then overwhelming joy for her friend finally finding someone worthy of her. But the of course she wanted a demonstration of these powers. So they went outside and around the corner where no one was, Ash build a big heart with Ash loves Que on it wich Roe found very cute. Then they hurried back into the hospital and up to Que.

 When they got back to Que the doctor was just approaching he looked at Ash "your father was in very bad shape he had broken ribs and a lot more, if you hadn't found brought him in when you did he would be dead." "Will he live?" Asked Ash anxiously "I believe he will" the doctor replied " but he will need to stay here to rest and heal for a few weeks." "Can we see him?" Asked Que "I believe that would be ok, right this way." the doctor showed the way. As Ash was leaving the waiting room she caught the eye of a man she had not seen before he gave her such a look of hatred as she had never seen before. She whispered this to Que and they both agreed to be on guard for the O.U. They made sure Ash's father was safe for the night and Ash created a protective shield around his room like the one in the mountain so that anyone trying to harm him would not be able to enter.

 As they were passing by the waiting room the man was still there, Ash silently signaled to Que he looked to where she indicated and he froze, his whole body was tense and he had a look in his eyes Ash had never seen before. He did not hesitate he walked straight up to the man and punched him in the face breaking his nose and another to the gut he would have pounded the guy into the ground but Ash grabbed him and begged him to stop. "This is not the way" she whispered to him. He backed up and there were tears in his eyes as he headed outside. The man was now cowering in the corner. As the girls were leaving Ash saw something she had missed before, it was a pin of two tigers circling the earth and the letters O.U. under it. He was Orbis Unum. 

 When they were outside Roe insisted they stay at her house that night and Ash accepted "We will be there in a little while, thank you for everything Roe." The girls hugged and Roe headed home. The Ash turned to talk to Que. "Que, who was that man in there?" Ash asked "Hes the man that broke my sisters heart and ultimately caused her death." Que was fighting with anger and tears "This is not the last time we will see him, this is not the way to give him what he deserves it will just get you arrested. Que he's O.U." Que did not even looked surprised as if being part of an evil group that is trying to destroy the earth was to good for that scum bag. "Thanks for not letting me get arrested" Que said. Then they headed to Roe's house.

 When they got to Roes house she had the couch made up for Que but insisted Ash stayed with her, Ash was more than happy to do that. It was amazing no matter what was going on in her life whenever Ash was with Roe it seamed as if everything was fine and nothing could go wrong. It was just something about Roe that had that effect on her. It was exactly what she needed, the girls had a party with sparkling juice and goodies snacks and lots of games. They stayed up all night playing games and talking, Roe asked a million questions about Que and Ash was more than happy to answer them. Finally at 3 am the girls fell asleep.

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