Introducing Que

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 Oh great Ash knew she had done it now and her sisters were never going to let this go. She thought that they had passed through the wall but they had stopped to wait for her and had seen the whole thing. "How long have you known him?" asked Elamaine. "And how old is he?" asked Nadira. "And he cant just steal off with you I would miss you way to much, if you marry him then I am too." Exclaimed Ivy. "First of Ivy that's not how marriage works you cant just marry someone because you sister did with out even knowing the guy" Ash explained "and I have known his presence for a very long time almost as ling as I can remember. He is 19 I finally asked him about it his birthday is May 1st. And don't mention any of this to the guys at home especially Casey he tries to get me annoyed so much I don't want you guys giving ammunition to do it." They agreed to that but she knew she would be hearing a lot more of their opinions lately. At least she knew they cared.  

 When they got home it was beginning to get dark so they hurried to start diner. Even tho they lived in a mansion their father didn't believe that they should have servant to do all the kids work for them so he had never hired any. They were shock to see their mother already in the kitchen with the toddlers making diner and singing really singing. They were all so surprised but they went and gave her a hug and told her thank you for staring diner. Then she left the girls to finish and took the kids to go play with the nieces and nephews. That night after diner then all the guests said that they would be heading home that night. They Casey loudly announced that he would be staying to help out for a while longer and would catch a ride when Solomon and his wife Afilia came back in a month right before the new year. Ugh I cant believe he's staying said Ash to herself. Then she saw something she had not noticed before, the quick glance he gave Ivy and a shy smile she returned. Ivy was never shy. OH MY GOODNESS!! They had a thing Ivy likes Casey and he likes her. Ok this was too strange but then maybe Ivy would be good for him haha it would be interesting to watch anyway. 

 After diner Ash and her mother went for a walk after the guests had left. "Mom can I have a friend over this weekend?" "Of course" was the response "and who might this special guest be?" "Just a friend." Ash replied "Well I cant wait to meet him." said her mother knowingly "Hey what makes you think it's a guy?" Ash exclaimed "Well it is isn't it." "Yeah, it is" Ash responded. The rest of the was spent in silence not an awkward silence but a peaceful calm silence that they both enjoyed. 

  The next day Ash called Aquilos cell phone inviting him to diner. It was the weekend so he didn't have work and he was excited to finally meed her family. Ash told him to come around one and they would play some board games or something. Que had tried on every piece of clothing he owned in every different way possible he was so nervous. Finally he went with a blue plaid shirt and denim pants. Then he began hiking down the mountain. 

 Ash on the other hand was almost as nervous, she was afraid her huge family would scare him off. Or their belief that more than one wife is perfectly except able and encouraged. Her own family had another mother but they didn't get to see her very often because she was Mexican and they were still in the process of immigrating her when her father had disappeared. Her sisters were combing her hair and pushing her into this out fit then that and painting her face with make up. Finally enough was enough she washed off all the makeup and only used a little cover up then chose a simple old fashioned style dress that was a small brown check pattern and put her hair up in a simple but but elegant bun. "There enough with the fussing" she said "if he only likes me for my makeup and dress then I wouldn't want him anyways." 

  When the door bell rang there was at least 10 faces pressed up against the window trying to get a good look at him. Ash ran to the door before anyone else so they would immediately start asking questions. As he walked in first there was all the little kids staring at him as though he had two heads, then there was the sisters on the stair case giggling their little heads off then there was her brothers. As they walked passed her brothers they were all trying different things warning him not to mess with their sister. The only one not glaring at him was Ash's brother just younger than her and he smiled and introduced himself as Jago. Ash could have kissed Jago right then for being so nice to Que when everyone else was being so weird. But instead she sent a glare back to the other boys that would have terrified the bravest soldiers and let Que into the kitchen to meet her mother. "Mother this is Que, Que this is my mother Nala." said Ash. "Nice to meet you Que." said Nala. "No the pleasure is all mine." Que responded. "Here I brought a peace offering." Que handed Nala a bag she opened it and pulled out the most beautiful necklace Ash had ever seen made from the same ice substance as her bracelet. "Oh my goodness this is beautiful where did you get it" asked Nala "I know a guy was all Que would say." He would never admit it to anyone but he was a very talented jewelry maker. "Although now I wish I would have brought something for the boys out there, they look ready to pound me into the ground." 

 The rest of the night went by really fast and it was tons of fun Que quickly proved himself to the boys and after he beat a few of them wrestling and a bunch of other games they liked him almost more than Casey. Que and Casey were kind of competing all night long. So with that and the girls constantly hinting about things and giggling Ash had her hands full. Then something happened she was not prepared for. Ash's three year old little sister was playing with an Ipad and going through the pictures on it, When she got to the one of their mom in mexico she takes it to Que and starts quizzing him. "Have you met our mom in Mexico? Shes so nice she gave me Mexico chocolate." "No I don't think I've had the pleasure." he replied he didn't sound like it bothered him at all Ash finally relaxed. "You should she is nice, where's your mom Que?" "Well" Que hesitated trying to explain this to the little girl "I never had a mom, she had to go when I was very little but me and my sister found some other people to live with and they are our family now." "Oh, well you can have one of my mothers cause I have two." said the little girl "Well that's a mighty nice offer, I think one of these days I might just take you up on that." He looked up and smiled at Ash as he said the last part. She felt her insides do a flip flop was he hinting at something. "Oh stop psychoanalyzing everything" she scolded herself. 

 After diner everyone got in their snow gear and went snowmobiling Casey and Que got in a race and Ash was sure one of them was going to crash but they didn't. Que was always very careful but still knew how to have fun. Ash had been sitting on the house steps letting everyone else take turns on the five snowmobiles they owned. Que pulled up on in front of her "come on Ash you cant get just sit there while everyone else is having fun get on." he ordered "I am just fine here thank you." she replied "Ash if you don't get on right now I'm gonna have to enlist the help of your brothers your going to have fun weather you like it or not." Ash pretended to be upset but they both knew she was delighted to be riding with with. After a little while they all filed back into the house to sit in front of the fire and drink hot chocolate. Ash got out her guitar and Nala insisted they sang all the songs they knew but it was getting late so Que announced he had to go. Ash insisted he takes one of the snowmobiles so he wouldn't get lost or eaten by a bear and it would be faster. Now Ash was in her bed looking at the ceiling this was the best day she had ever had and her family was really and truly happy again. Life was good again.

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