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   Ash's head was throbbing, she couldn't open her eyes but she could hear the sounds of gun fire and fighting all around. Something else was there too, there was a presence next to her a familiar one but she could decide where she knew it from. There was wind all around her as if protecting her and she hadn't summoned this wind. She tried to pry her eyes open but they felt to heavy to move. Finally she slowly forced them open, things seamed to be in slow motion like a dream. she was laying on the ground in the middle of a sphere of wind and standing next to her was a man she did not know but oddly felt familiar. Then it hit her, he was wind it didn't make any sense but he was he was the wind abaven. She looked up and kind beautiful eyes were looking into hers like the way an uncle looks at his niece that finds herself in trouble. She immediately liked him and sensed she could trust him.

Then the real world came crashing back to her like an axe hitting wood. Everything sped up, the battle the wind the noise. She stood immediately, this had to stop so far by some miracle no one had died tho many were wounded. She looked over at the kindly old gentleman and felt a connection with him. As one they moved using ice and wind together to push back the attackers. In no time at all they had the whole lot of them pinned up in a giant igloo with no door and only air holes, then on the wind came the message of the police and FBI and a lot else on its way. Ash and all the family headed to the hospital where in the secret room in the hospital their father was up and thinking he was crazy. After a long explanation they all headed back to the mountains together. Leaving the mess for the officers to figure out.

Back at the mountain they watched the out come on the giant theater screen with their private satellite. Of course they didn't believe the few people in town who actually told what happened and they came up with absurd explanations to explain it. The old gentleman name was TJ he was a very happy man with a sparkle of humor in his eye, everyone liked him immediately and soon everyone was laughing and telling stories with him. It seamed they had known him for years even tho they had just met him. He always knew what was happening because the wind brought him stories from all over the world, anything the wind touched he could see in his mind. Later that night Ash and TJ were talking after everyone had gone to bed, he told her the other abaven would not be as quick to accept a girl but that her victory today had taken a big step to gain their respect. Ash felt wonderful her father was home, the invaders were arrested and being sent to prison and she was getting ready to get married to the most amazing man, Roe and her sister were in their room planning it as she spoke, even tho they were supposed to be asleep. life didn't get much better than that.

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