The peace treaty

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  That night Ash went to bed thinking about the amazing change she had seen in her siblings.  They were actually smiling and laughing, as annoying as Casey was he seamed to be helping the  family come to the realization that life goes on. She fell to sleep with a smile on her lips and a warm feeling in her heart. She snuggled up to Ivy and fell asleep.

 Ash was awoken by a terrific scream, it was Ivy just out side the door. "What is it Ivy?" Ash asked as she jumped out of bed and ran out the door. The second her feet touched the floor outside the bed room she too let out a scream. It felt as if a hundred little needles were poking into her feet. She looked down and there was all the mats and floor pads from the cars turned upside down so the pokey side was up. The boys must have put them there last night. "We can not let them get away with this" Ivy said "come on lets get the rest of the girls". 

  The girls were very careful and quiet as they got their trap ready. When the boys got up breakfast was served and waiting. (Ever since the pepper Casey would only eat things Ivy made, he didn't trust Ash). The boys finished their breakfast while laughing at the screams that had woken them. Then Casey did the unthinkable he got out his phone and showed the boys the video of her doing karaoke!!! Oh the nerve of that guy!! The boys headed out to build the fire and do the chores. As soon as the boys were out of sight they began setting up. Half hour later all the girls were crowded around the window. The boys came trudging up the walk to the house, as soon as they went in the target area the girls gave the singnal and three girls upstairs dumped hot water on the boys coming into the house. The boys yelped and screamed and came charging into the house. It was a stand off right there in the main entryway. The boys on one side and the girls on the other. Just then the mom and all the rest of the adults came walking in with the babies. 

  That was when Ash decided to write the peace treaty, while the parents were eating she gathered everyone involved into the ball room. "We are gathered here today" explained Ash "to discuss the peace treaty between the girls team and the boys team, I believe we all agree this has gone on long enough." "So mister Casey if you would just kindly delete that video this can all be over". "No way" exclaimed Casey " you would just turn around and use the one of me eating that pepper egg". The conversation continued like this until Ash's sister just younger than her Elamaine came up with the solution. "Heres what we are going to do" interrupted Elamaine "since both of you are too bull headed to agree on anything I am going to download both videos onto my horse thumb drive that is always around my neck". (she had a thumb drive in the shape of a horse that she never took off because it was an exact mini of her prized horse Telina). So that's what they did and that ended the war. But after that Ash's siblings came out of their room all the time and were laughing and smiling and everyone would go outside and have snowball fight's. In two weeks it would be Christmas life was good and the next day Ash was going to find a way to slip away to the mountain. It seamed like forever since she had been up there, even tho it had only been like two or three days.

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