Chapter 23

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Janella's P.O.V.
    "Come on just tell me!" I begged. Andy just kept shaking his head as he looked at the road. We were on are way to the date but Andrew refused to tell me where the date was taking place. I huffed and turned up the radio. Stitches by Shawn Mendez was blasting from the speakers. It is one of the few pop songs I could stand. I sang along, with a slight amount of annoyance filling my voice.
    "Oh calm down we are here" He chuckled, bringing the sleek black Mercedes to a stop. I examined the area and felt confusion wash over me. All I could see is trees. "You aren't some creepy murderer are you?" I asked a little worried. The fact that he gave me a wicked smile made my insides drop. What did I get myself into? He got out of the car and walked over to my side, opening the door for me. "Thanks" I mumbled. I probably just walked into my own death. Death by Biersack. I guess that's a worthy way to die. Andy laced his fingers with mine and pulled me into the trees. We walked and it was to dark for me to actually tell where we were. After a little bit I could see a small amount of light in the distance.
    "M'lady" Andrew smirked gesturing towards the blanket that lay on the ground. There were four candles, one on each corner of the blanket and a picnic basket set off to the side. My heart fluttered. It was so sweet and romantic. "Oh Andy" I smiled. I couldn't believe it. It was all starting to sink in. I am on a date with Andrew Dennis Biersack. It's my childhood dream. Oh my god, childhood dream. Child! Damn it!
    "ANDY!" I yelled. He jumped in surprise and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Do you not like it?" He asked with a hint of sadness. "No! No I love it. It's just well Andy I'm underage" I whispered the last part. I felt completely ashamed for not telling him this in the first place. "Oh the wine? That's nothing I promise I won't tell anyone" He chuckled, completely oblivious to what I was actually referring to. "No Andy I mean I am underage for this" I made hand motions to him and me. "This is illegal. We are illegal! I'm only 17" I explained. Once it clicked in his head his face got a sudden wash of disgust. "Oh my god" he whispered. He ran a hand through his hair and bit down on his lip ring. I felt completely horrible. He sighed and let out a small chuckle.
Austin's P.O.V.
    There was a knock at the front door and I groaned. It was to much effort to get up. "It's opened" I yelled realizing I was the only one home and couldn't con someone into opening it for me. The door opened and I gasped, dropping my plate of Salad. "What are you doing here?" I asked running over to her. She gave me an awkward hug and her eyes looked sad and holo. Probably the same as mine.
    "Andy ugh left me...." She explained. I felt bad for her. As much as I envied the rockstar and was still angry at Janella for choosing every other guy possible over me,  I just couldn't help but feel the need to comfort her. "Come on, no one is home" I informed her as I brought her to the couch with me. She instantly let her body mold to mine. Her face was shoved into my chest and my arms pulled her close by her waist.
    "Will you do me a favor?" Her voice was muffled by me and a small smile formed on my lips. "Anything" I responded. She let out a deep shaky sigh. "Please don't tell anyone what happened....or that I'm....back" She looked up at me. Her voice quivered a bit and tears were threatening her water line. I planted a small kiss on her lips my heart stuttered at the familiar contact. She offered up a half hearted smile which I returned gratefully. This is my chance. This is my opportunity to prove I'm the one she needs. I will treat her better than any stupid rockstar or manwhore.
    The front door flung open scaring both Janella and I half to death. "Oops sorry didn't know I would be interrupting anything" A familiar voice chuckled. I rolled my eyes and clenched my fists. "What do you want Logan?" I growled. He put his hand over his chest as if my words wounded him. Janella scrunched her eyebrows and looked from me to Logan.
"What? a guy can't just want to pop in and see his lil' bro" he asked innocently. I glared at him and if looks could kill he would definitely be six feet under. "No one wants you here Logan!" I yelled, venom dripping from every word. An evil smirk danced on his face. Janella got up and scratched her neck.
    "Should I like.....go?" She asked looking everywhere but at me. I was going to tell her no but Logan beat me to it. "Don't worry dear I won't be long. I'm the brother you have never heard of. The names Logan and I'm Two years older than Aussie" He explained. I cringed at the nickname. I seriously hate being called that. Janella looked speechless. I groaned and Logan held out a hand to Janella. She took it and Logan brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. I shivered in disgust.
    "Back off she's underage you damn pedo" I spat. He rolled his eyes and winked at Janella. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away and into my room. She sat on my bed and watched me intently. I paced my room, mumbling to myself.
   "Austin? Are you ok?" She asked. I didn't respond. Logan always shows up randomly and mom ends up giving him all her money which he then goes and blows it on stupid crap. It's idiotic and irresponsible. Mum and I used to each have two jobs just to support the family. We almost lost the house once to. If that stupid dumbfuck keeps taking mums money we are going to have nothing left. "Why didn't you tell me had a brother" Janella finally asked. I looked at her and her eyes seemed scared slightly. I guess if I was in a room with someone acting like a psychopath I would be scared to. "He isn't my brother. He lost that title a long time ago. Now he's just the dude leaching off my family" I said. She nodded and patted the spot on the bed next to her. I sat down and she climbed into my lap. I was just so stressed and angry I didn't know what came over me. I grabbed her waist and pulled her into me, crashing my lips to hers needfully. She responded reluctantly. She kissed back but not as emotional as I was. I bit into her bottom lip and deepened the kiss even more. I knew I couldn't keep the fact that Janella was at my house a secret for to long so I knew I needed to take advantage of my alone time with her. She parted her lips just enough for my to slip my tongue in. Our tongues collided and she moaned slightly. Her fingers were laced into my hair. I heard the front door downstairs open and a gasp. I knew Logan would give mom some stupid made up story about where he's been and con her into loaning him some money. My mom thinks Logan is just the most special being on the planet. Boy is she wrong.
    Janella pulled away with a sigh and stood up. "Your mom will tell my mom" She said. I nodded. Our mothers had gotten pretty sure close and told each other everything. Janella sighed and I got up, leading her back to the living room.
    Janellas phone went off before we made it all the way to my mother. When she answered the phone her face went ghost white. She choked out a slight whimper and the phone dropped to the floor. Probably shattering her screen on impact. I instantly wrapped her in my arms and kissed her forehead.
    "Shhhhh it's ok. I'm here. Shhhh. Tell me what happened" I whispered. I felt her tears staining my BVB shirt. I rubbed her back and she started shaking. Her fingers we clinging to my shoulders and she held onto me like her life depended on it. I couldn't stand seeing her like this. Looking so broken and hopeless.
    "A-Alex" She managed to cough out I between sobs. Once the name left her mouth my heart stopped and I was stone cold. I had completely forgotten about Alex. He hadn't made himself very known lately and I guess I just assumed it was over. I should've expected something to come up though. The thought of someone wanting to torture Janella like this so bad made me literally sick to my stomach. If killing wasn't illegal I would shoot that fucker straight in his head. Blow his brains out. I am honestly contemplating it anyways.
    "You listen to me Janella I swear on everything I own I swear on everything in this whole damn world nothing not anyone or anything is going to harm a single hair on that pretty little head of yours. Me and the guys are gonna make sure of that!" I kissed her passionately and reassuringly. Her shoulders loosened and she kissed back with just as much emotion. Anything to help distract her I was willing.
    "Janella!" I heard my mom exclaim, causing both Janella and I to jump and separate. I quickly linked my arm around her waist and pulled her back to me though. She looked into my eyes and then turned to my mom, forcing a weak smile.
    "Hi Mrs.Craig" She waved awkwardly. My mothers face lit up and she kept looking from my face to Janellas. I knew my mom and Janellas mom had been hoping something would happen between nella and I. I'm not sure who wanted it to happen more, me or my mom.
    "I'm so excited to see you darling! Are you staying? Oh please do, Austin missed you so much!" My mother rambled. I rolled my eyes and gave Janella a quick peck on the lips. "She's staying...for a while" I replied. Janella nodded and my brother walked into the room.
    "The girl wasn't a one night wonder! Oh boy Austins getting somewhere in life!" Logan cheered with fake enthusiasm. I gritted my teeth and Janella rubbed my arm. "That makes one of us" I spat at him. Hurt passed through his eyes but he rebounded quickly and flipped me off.
    "Austin! Be nice to your brother! He came all this way to see us. You could atleast respect him as a guest" My mom yelled. I didn't think of him as a guest. In fact I didn't really even think of him as a person in general. He just that thing that occasionally decides to burden everyone with its presence.
    "Yeah Austin play nice kitty kitty" Logan teased. I shook my head and pushed Janella away from me attempting to swing at my brother. My mom gasped and my fist hit the wall when Logan ducked. He swung back and skin connected to skin. I clenched my throbbing chin in one hand then threw a fist to his face. I hit him right in the side of his jaw and I could feel bone separate from bone. He cringed and yelped in pain. I felt no guilt whatsoever and smirked in triumph. My mother ran over to Logan's side and stroked his head.
    "Austin! What the hell!" She yelled. I felt something inside me just snap. Everything I held in for so long released and I couldn't hold back. I knew the fact that Janella was witnessing all this was going to be the death of me later on but right now I couldn't focus straight enough to snap out of it.
    "No I'm fucking done!" I yelled. My anger building up little by little. Every bad thing adding up. My final nerve finally breaking. I unleashed my held back emotions and my adrenaline was raising by the second. My vision was tunneled and now it was just me and my mom. I was ready to express to her how shitty she has been. How fucked up she has made everything. I am finally opening up about an old scar that should've been sewn up years ago.

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