Chapter 6

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"Oh! Look at him. He's SEXY!" Cassie yelled.

The guy looked over at her and smirked.

"You're being way to loud." I said, covering my face with my hair. I don't want to be seen with the stalker girl.

"Oh please. He knows he's sexy. I am just helping him remember." She waved at him flirtatiously.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to go get a refill."

As I was walking to the counter, I saw two people I really didn't want to see right now. Kenny and Kelly. This is supposed to be my day to escape him!

"Andy?" I spun around and looked right at Trevor.

"Oh for the love of God! You too?!"

"What?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Why are you here?"

"I came to pick up a tie for my cousin's wedding. Why are you here?"

"I'm here with Cassie." I pointed over to the table where she wasn't sitting anymore. Knowing her, she's probably off with sexy guy somewhere.

"Cassie? Your really hot college friend?"

I sighed. "Sure."

"Andy?" I heard behind me. DAMN IT!

I turned to face Kenny. "Hey."

Kelly was standing next to him, looking between me and Trevor. It was easy to see the jealousy in her eyes.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here with Cassie. She saw some guy, ran away with him, and I ran into Trevor when I came to get a refill." I explained.

Kelly looked relieved when she found out I wasn't actually here with Trevor. "So Cassie just left you?" She asked.

"Um, well I don't think so. She's around here somewhere. I hope." I mumbled the last part.

She looked at Kenny. "Well if you can't find her, just call one of us and we can take you home."

Trevor put and arm around my shoulders. "You shouldn't have to take her home. You two need some time together. I'll take her home."

Kelly looked at his arm around me, and then at him. The amount of pain in her eyes was unbelievable. Trevor had to be the one lying. Kelly wouldn't have ignored him, if she liked him like her eyes are saying she does. Eyes don't lie.

"You know. I'll just go find Cassie." I needed to get away from all this. Kelly was hurting, Kenny was about to rip Trevor's arm off. This plan wasn't working the way I wanted it to. "I'll see you all later."

I walked away from everyone and prayed Cassie would pop up somewhere. That was the most awkward thing ever. Maybe when we actually meet when we're supposed to, it will be easier.

"Hola chicka!" Cassie came out of no where, smiling like crazy.

I let out a breath and hugged her. "Thank God I found you!"

She hugged back hesitently. "Uh I wasn't really gone. I was talking to mister sexy, whose name is Kevin."

"Well I hope you and Kevin had fun, while I was stuck with Trevor and Kenny...and Kelly!"

He eyes got wide! "All of them?!"

"Yes, ALL of them! I want to go home. I don't want to risk seeing any of them again."

We walked, well more like jogged, to her car. Once we were inside I felt like I could calm down a little. I just needed a distraction. Who better than Cassie to do the distracting?

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