Your what?!

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3rd p.o.v.

The ender brothers were all sat in Slender's office since they had all decided to visit him at the same time. Slender loved his brothers and all he just hated it when they would find things that they were often not meant to have found. Like now for example. Splendor had been searching through Slender's desk and had found the files of either dead or turned creepypastas. And of course he had to read them out loud as his brothers had requested.

"*Heart break. 19 years old. Pink hair and red eyes-""Sounds hot." Smexy interrupted smirking. Splendor merely rolled what he called his eyes as Trender sighed and shook his head but peeked over Splendor's shoulder to see what she looked like. He tutted at her style and went back to sewing some clothes. Splendor looked down to see her killing method " Well that seems to be how she lures her victims. A bit like you Smexy!" Splendor stated cheerfully." So what happened to her?" Ender asked looking up from his phone and purposely stopping Smexy from talking back. " He looked down and carried on reading leaving the brothers in silence for a few minutes. " She died." Was all the *second youngest said.

"Yes. She was in a relationship with another creepypasta who turned into one of Zalgo's minions and cheated on him. When he found out he killed her. I remember having to clean up the blood on the wall. It was hard to get out." Slender told his brothers mumbling the last bit. Splendor placed down the file and picked up another one still smiling.

"The cry/ Crying Adam. Wow couldn't decide on a name huh? Ash grey/ Black hair and blue eyes. Apparently this one went into Zalgo's army."" Crying Adam? Yes he did. Shame really, he was a good creepypasta."" Woh! Said he was the one who had killed Heart break! Was that the reason he turned?" Slender merely nodded and typed something into a calculator that had appeared out of nowhere as he carried on calculating the mansions killings.

After a few more files of random creepypastas they came across the last one. It was a dulled (f/c) with a proxy symbol on the cover. Splendors happy look suddenly turned to a slight frown as he stared at it. The colour... it reminded him of something...or someone. The brothers noticed the silence in the room easily and casted a worried glance over to Splendor and saw the folder he was holding. "You gonna read it or not Splendor?" Was all Smexy asked. His younger brother gave a shaky nod and opened the file.

In a shaky voice he started to read what was inside out loud " (m/n) (l/n). Also known as a proxy or *Gashadokuro. (h/c) and eyes with black sclera and white rings. His weapon is a sickle. He is Slenders first proxy and is still alive but...""But what?" Trender asked. " But he's gone missing. I have no proof he is with Zalgo or working with him until I see him myself and until then he is classed as missing. Now shut up about him!" Slender snapped at the brothers. They all nodded as Splendor put the files back ( m/n's at the bottom) and left the room. Well Ender didn't leave but it's not like Slender noticed.

~~~~Time skip! And switch to Slender's p.o.v.~~~

I had just set my proxies the exercise workout that (m/n) had done whilst he had lived in the mansion. And since the proxies were being lazy and starting to (Somehow) lose shape I've decided to try a different tactic of training on them. This was (m/n)'s tactic of staying fit. Of course the proxies were too stunned to do anything. I could tell they were thinking about not doing all of what I just told them to do but they are. I read their thoughts and all they were thinking was ' That's Impossible! Even I can't do that!' Mind you, I guess when you wake up every morning at 9 am and just suddenly have to start waking up at 6 am it is a big change. But it's only 3 hours so why the overreaction? This wasn't the time when (m/n) woke up and did his routine, but the proxies need more sleep then what (m/n) needed.

Toby seemed the first to snap out of his daze and the first thing he tried to do was beg me to not make them do it. This made the other two snap out of their dazes as well. " But Slender! We can't do all that! We'll puke up our breakfast!" He whined. All I answered back was a question that seemed to break them, body and soul. " Who said you were having breakfast?" At this point they were starting to worry. 'What's gotten into boss?' I read their minds and answered back " I've been too soft lately. Therefore you will be doing this every morning until I think you are all in shape."

Toby whined again " But Slender! That's impossible!" That phrase...


"What?! Listen...kid I know I promised to do training with you but maybe later...? I mean it's like...2 am..." (m/n) shrugged his shoulders as if to say 'So?' LJ started to walk back inside but Smexy had already grabbed him with a tendril and whispered into his ear "If we suffer you suffer with us." Lj hung his head as Smexy put him back down.

By 3am we were all panting and sweaty and (m/n) was staring at us unimpressed. Just looking at his stare seemed to make us try to carry on but by 4am me, my brothers and Lj were all laying on the ground panting harder and sweating buckets even going as far as to take off our shirts to cool of a bit more. I glanced over at my proxy who seemed to be stretching his muscles as if he hadn't been running around the entire forest, climbing up steep cliffs down south of the mansion. You would have thought that we could have used our tendrils and teleportation but nope. He injected something into us that stops all our powers while we were training. And whatever it was I hated it.

He suddenly started walking off again. Me and my brothers noticed immediately and groaned out loud not caring if he heard us. Lj suddenly yelled out "*SHADO!! Please tell me that your heading back home?" He pleaded with a desperate tone. My proxy shook his head no and started walking off again leaving Lj yelling " NOOO!!!! THIS.IS.IMPOSSIBLE!!!" with the last of his energy before he passed out. So at this (m/n) turned around, ran over and picked up Lj before running off again. " DOES THIS MEAN TRAINING'S OVER THEN?!" I heard my brother Splendor call out. (m/n) turned around again and shook his head no as we all let out a sigh/yell of frustration. I swear I could see a smirk on his face that day.

~~~~Flashback over!~~~~

I scowled at them ( the best I could) and stated angrily " My old proxy could do it. So why can't you?" Only after I spoke did I realize what I had said. Only me, my brothers and Lj knew about (m/n). No one else. I could feel the shock and anger radiating off my proxies from where I stood. I decided to read their minds and for once they were all thinking the same thing.

' HIS WHAT?! '


Little did Slender and the proxies know Ender was still there in the corner texting his brothers about how Slender needs help with what he had just said. Ender had stayed behind to alert the others if something like this would happen to slender since he had guessed Slender would do something like this.


* Heart break is not my Oc. I found both her and The cry/ Crying Adam on the internet. I also found the pic up above on the internet. But that's what your wearing. Sorry for making you only be able to choose your favourite colour, hair colour, and name but I'm trying to give you options here. It's hard since I'm used to writing for a OC.

* Gashadokuro is actually a Japanese legend of a giant skeleton that will grab you, bite off your head and drink your blood.

* Shado is your nickname since Gashadokuro is too long. Your other nickname is just (m/n).

* In my opinion from oldest to youngest is Smexy, Ender, Trender, Splendor and Slender.

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