Trying to regain memories...

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(m/n)'s p.o.v. (Finally!)

I sigh as I handle the small, silver lighter in my hand. I don't smoke, if that's what your wondering. Ever since I had that weird message or, thought as Lord Zalgo calls it, he's been keeping an eye on my behaviour. Yesterday, when everyone was out I had gone into his room to see if he had anything that would snap in my mind. I just felt like I was...missing something. It's like a big chunk of your brain being ripped out, you can't ignore it, but if you think about just a little bit too hard, then it hurts. Whenever Zalgo takes something away from us, he'll put it in one of drawers in his dresser that he has a key for. I was with Jane, a creep that works for Zalgo, when she had told she was getting her phone back. She didn't have a phone because apparently she was texting a creep who worked for 'Slenderman'. That name rung a bell, but I can't think where it's from. Anyway, I had followed them and saw that there was a small box with my name labelled on it when he had opened the draw. It wasn't very big, just small about the size of a music box and was made out of cherry wood. I only saw it for a few seconds, but it was defiantly there.

So, around one hour ago I had picked the lock on the draw and took out the box. I was just about to open it when Homicidal Liu had come home. So in a hurry I had dunked my hand inside, grabbed one object before putting the box back into its original place and relocking both the drawer and the door. I had managed to get away with it so that was why I was holding the odd object in my hand right now. I stared at it with a concentrated face, I could feel my eyebrows furrowing and my eyes narrowing as my gaze not moving once, only becoming harder as I stared the shiny, silver object down. I flipped it over and to my surprise, felt a slight rough texture forming a shape on the cool metal. I stared at the symbol. It was purposely made to look like it had been scribbled on hurriedly, though I for some reason knew that someone had taken their time engraving the symbol to look how it was. The symbol was a black circle with an x in the middle of it and was black. And though it looked scribbled on, it also looked like it had been sloppily painted on with black paint with the paint dripping. I placed my thumb over it by accident, and something flashed before my eyes. The image was blurry, like a badly shot movie that had the camera continuously moving about but couldn't settle on the faces.

I jumped slightly when another image had popped up, making me fall backwards on my bed. It was the same symbol engraved on the lighter. I sigh and shake my head, making my fluffy, soft (h/c) hair sway in front of my eyes slightly. I had unconsciously switched into my human form, but it didn't bother me. I did it often without even realising it. Throughout the rest of the day, that symbol would randomly pop up and make me jump in fright until finally, when everyone had gone to bed, I had had enough. As soon as I got into my room I had rushed under y bed and brought out a simple (2ndf/c) laptop bag with no designs on it or anything at all. When opened it revealed a (f/c) coloured laptop that was in perfect condition if you ignored the thin amount of dust layered the top of it. I pulled the (f/c) machinery out of the case and turned it on, not having to wait long for it to boot up. I brought up a new internet tab and googled 'circle symbol with cross inside'. As soon as I clicked the enter button, images for the exact same symbol popped up.

Underneath the pictures was a website that was titled 'Proxy symbol.' I clicked on it and the website loaded, showing me a large amount of information and a picture. I scan through the information, my eyes lingering on words such as 'Slenderman' or 'Proxy'. I don't know why but...Slenderman sounds so familiar. The reason is on the tip of my tounge, I just can't figure it out. I sigh and shut the laptop lid after shutting it down. The only things I had gotten from that was that was that the symbol that was on my lighter was called a proxy symbol and that only certain selected people were allowed to have it. I sighed once again in disappointment as I climbed into my bed and began to fall asleep since I was already in my pyjamas from having a shower earlier.

A Discarded Memory (M!Creepypasta x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now