Who is (m/n)...?

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Jeff's p.o.v.

I had been put in a group with puppeteer, bloody painter and Dr Smiley. We had been assigned to look for Slender but BP had suggested something much more interesting. "Why don't we check the clowns room?" We all agreed to that and went off to LJ's room. So that's where we're heading right now. Turning one last corner, we reach stop in front of a  black door with candy painted on it. "I thought you didn't like LJ BP?" Puppeteer asked his best friend. Me and Dr Smiley both sent confused looks to him as well only to have one sent back to us when he looked up from his sketch pad. "I don't. Why..." he trailed off once he saw LJ's door. "That's old paint. I didn't do that." He tells us shaking his head.

"Whatever. Let's just see what's inside." I say opening the door since I had been picking the lock throughout the conversation. LJ must have been sleeping at his carnival since it was empty. I stepped into the room with the other three following. Puppeteer started checking the shelves of music boxes, Bloody painter and Dr Smiley were checking through the dresser and I decided to check under the bed. I found loads if candy wrappers which confused me slightly. 'Why would he shove them under his bed? No one visits his room, only Splendor and he doesn't give a shit if the place is filthy. LJ doesn't care about mess either. So why try and keep the room clean?' My hand suddenly hit a small box and I grabbed it. It felt like it was made out of leather...wait. Is this a diary? I pulled myself out from under the bed in a hurry bumping my head against the frame of the bed. I swore under my breath before I had finally pulled myself out from the wrapper filled universe under LJ's bed.

I took in deep breathes before looking down at the object in hand. It was a diary! It was made of dark leather with a strap on it to keep it closed. I tugged the strap gently only for it to stay in place. I tried again harder and had no progress. I was about to rip it but a gloved hand held my hand still. Looking up I saw it was Dr Smiley's hand that was restraining me. BP gently pulled the diary from my grasp and took a quick glance at it. "Well, here's the problem." He stated pointing to a small lock that was on the end of the strap. I pulled my hand away with a huff and scowled at the object. "I don't think you have the patience to pick this lock so puppeteer you'll have to do it." Dr Smiley says looking over at the gray skinned male who was paying zero attention to us. "Puppeteer?" He repeated before the said male finally turned to us. In his gloved hands was a reddy-brown wooden box. He was staring at it. "Someone's been playing this music box. All the others have loads of dust on them." He tells us not taking his eyes off it.

I stare at the box with my lidless eyes and see that it has handmarks on the sides, as if someone had been holding it. And the handmarks were claw-like exactly like LJ's. "Why would he use one music box and not the rest?" BP questions confused. "That's what I was trying to figure out. Anyway, what do you want me to do?" He asks us and Smiley merely points to the diary. "Really? Out of all the people LJ has a diary?!" He mutters to himself as his strings went inside the lock and started to pick it. I pushed Smiley's hand off me and stare at the golden strings protruding out of Puppeteer's finger tips. We soon hear a quiet click and the BP removes the strap to open the book. He immediately starts reading the first entry.


This will be my first entry. I got this for my first birthday from one of my only friends, (m/n). He said if I wanted to remain as sane as he was then I would need to write down what troubles me. I do want to be as sane as I can get at the moment. Some of the other 'creepypastas' as they call themselves here have completely given up on sanity and they freak me out slightly. (M/n) says that I'll get used to it after a while. I don't understand how he's gotten used to them, I mean I saw one of the guys here crawl out the tv and them just started eating dinner as of it was normal. Apparently it is but, It'll take me a while to get used to it. (m/n) told me that the boy was a electronic type of creepypasta so he can travel through things like a tv or a telephone. He also said not to worry about the kid and that it was like me teleporting except through an electronic device. I didn't care about the kid if I'm truthful, I just wanted to know why everyone acted so casual after what he did. The only people that I like here are Splendorman and (m/n). I think (m/n) had figured that out though, because he also took me to this huge abandoned carnival.Then he told me he knew about me not liking any of the others and that I would eventually warm up to them, but until I do I could fix up the carnival and use it however I wish! He also told me that if I wanted to bring any victim there they would have to be asleep, which is fine by me! I love that carnival so much I'll make it my new killing place! (m/n) also told me that since it's really lonely there he can show me how to keep the children I kill there alive for company! God, if it weren't for him I would have left the Slender mansion already. Oh well, there's nothing more to put in here for today.

~Laughing Jack (Or LJ as (m/n) calls me)"

"Who the hell is (m/n)?!" I asked looking at the other three in the room. They all shrugged in confusion and stared at the diary as silence filled the room once again. "If this was the first entry LJ made in here when he first came to the mansion, then this (m/n) person is older than him but younger than Slender. So since creeps can't die from old age, shouldn't this guy still be alive?" Smiley questioned. Me, Puppeteer and BP nodded. "So where is he then?" Puppeteer asked confused before BP slapped him on the back of his head with his free hand. "Well since none of them have mentioned this (m/n) to us then obviously something must have happened to him for them to stop talking about him. Maybe he got killed by another pasta or maybe he betrayed them and switched to Zalgo's side, I don't know. But something must have happened." He tells us, and I can tell he has a thinking face on behind his mask. We all jump at a sudden yell "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" that came from Slender's office and was most likely Slender yelling it. All of our eyes widen in fear as puppeteer places the music box back quickly yet carefully, Helen shoves the diary over to me and I dive back under the bed and place the diary back against the wall, like I found it. When I scramble back out I see Smiley has put everything back into the draws and everything look like it was when we got here.

We all then rush out of the room (Remembering to close the door)and rush downstairs to act like we hadn't been in LJ's room at all. Suddenly Slender teleports downstairs into the living room (Where we had positioned ourselves in the knick of time) and saw us on the couches, me watching tv, Smiley sharpening a scalpel, Puppeteer watching tv with me next to BP who was sketching as usual. Nothing was out of place. Suddenly I see Slender's tendril heading towards me and flinch slightly before I feel something being tugged out of my hair. I scan around the room whilst Slender is doing this to see that everyone was staring at me with wide eyes (People who had masks on I could feel their stares) except for BEn who was trying to keep something in his hat. 'He must have found something.' I think to myself before the tugging stops. I stare at the tendril that was now retreating from my hair to reveal: A black and white candy wrapper from under LJ's bed. "Jeff. Why do you have one of Laughing Jack's candy wrappers in your hair?" He asks me. "It must have been stuck on the couch. I've just been sat here all day." I say with a slight bored tone in my voice. Slender nods before saying "So none of you have been in Laughing Jack's room?" Puppeteer then speaks for us "God no! I don't even want to think what it would look like in there. Loads of candy wrappers everywhere and the sickly stench of stale candy! Ugh!"  Slender nods again before turning to the pastas he has in his tendrils. Just as he's about to speak Laughing Jack teleports downstairs and boy, does he look pissed. He then speaks in voice that is so covered in venom I can literally feel it dripping off his tounge "Which one of you little pricks decided to go into my room?""None of us. Why?" BP asks not looking up from the paper."Well clearly one of you did since my door is unlocked.""Couldn't you have just left your door unlocked LJ?" Smiley asks looking up from his tool and at the said clown. He shakes his head no. "I've never had to unlock my door since I always teleport into my room." His sharp gaze suddenly turns to me and he scowls as he walks over to me. He then tugs my hair making me inhale sharply. He tugs again and I keep my mouth shut. He tugs a third time and I'm about to yell at him when he pulls his hand away to reveal: Another candy wrapper. I curse in my mind and stare at him. "It's odd that you have one of my candies that I keep for myself in my room in your hair, hmm Jeffery?" He says to me and I gulp. I can tell he's about to kill me.

"So Jeffery, any last words?" He asks. "Actually, yeah." I say to him. "Go on then." He tells me leaning closer to my face making me gulp again and lean back on instinct. "Before you kill me, one question. Who's (m/n)?" I ask and everything goes silent.


*Correct me if I'm wrong but, LJ was originated in London correct? So he would write the date like this at first.

Ta-da! Done for valentines day! Which by the way, hope you have a nice time with your girlfriend, boyfriend whatever you have! I'm just going to be at home watching shitty movies with my family and eating chocolates my dad bought for us. If you're going to be alone this Valentines day, don't feel bad. We're all with you! No partner... *Cries while lonely song plays in the background*

Anyway, if you have any ideas on what you want to happen and want it to be a extra chapter then go ahead and ask for it, anything, I don't care! Which also means you can ask for *Clears throat and whispers* Lemons. But they have to be with an old character or something, nothing like EJ or BEN. Like for example: Zalgo. Also if you want a lemon, Seme or Uke?

Anyway that's it. Sorry it took me a while but it took me a while to think of anything.


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