Finally meeting him...

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Liu's p.o.v.

I sighed as I walked throughout empty halls of Zalgo's mansion. I was bored as shit, no missions to do, no one to hang out with, and Sully wasn't helping either. "Come on Liu! Let me take control for once! You won't be bored for much longer if you do!~" I sigh and rub my forehead. He was giving me an awful headache from all the whining. "No. I'm not gonna get yelled at and punished for your actions again. Remember last time? Yeah? Good. Now shut up." I growl at him. "Aww~ someone grouchy? Actually, I don't give a shit whether or not you are. I WANT CONTROL!" I inhale deeply. He was annoying me now, and I was tipping over the edge. My common sense was telling me to just agree with him to shut him up. "Fi-""Hey Liu. Sully." Came a seductive voice making me stare at the female in front of me. Nina. Of course. "What, Nina?" I growl at her making her give a flirty and seductive smirk. "Say, Sully, do you want to go another round? By the way, you were amazing earlier~" She spoke, completely ignoring me. "HELL YE-""No thanks. We're busy. It's my body as well, you know." She gives me and angry pout. "Oh come on~ You know you want to~" She taunts, pushing her breasts up from underneath. As much as both of us love the view, I shake my head no and walk around her.

"Oh come on! I wanted to fuck her!""I didn't.""Yeah I know you don't. That why I fuck her when you sleep instead." This makes me freeze in shock. Sully cackles madly whilst I stayed as still as a statue. "Where?" I ask once I finally snap out of my shock. "In your bed! Duh!" His laughing gets harder as I scowl deeply. It's times like this that I wish I had a separate body from him and that I could just walk away, and never talk to him again. Or just, beat the living shit out of him and maybe kill him, but if I did that right now, I'd have to go with him. And then in heaven I'd probably still have him stuck in my head. Or hell. I don't know. Most likely hell. I don't know why I still believe in heaven and hell. Probably because of how often mom and dad would take us to church before Jeff went crazy and did...this to me. I didn't realise I had wandered into the living room as I was thinking, and had now bumped into (m/n), or Gashadokuro. He gave me a confused look as his face randomly changed into his skeleton face. He didn't really have any control over his creepypasta form and his human form, unlike everyone else who could change into it on will. "What's the matter Liu? Or Sully? I don't know who it is...but something is the matter, so tell me! Maybe I can help." He states with an innocent smile, making my face heat up, but luckily my scarf covered it so he didn't call me out. You didn't see anything like that down here before he had arrived, and he still barely smiled and instead kept a poker face, so seeing something that was made out of pure innocence and curiosity was hard to find.

"Well for one, I'm Liu. And two, you can't help me stop Sully from having sex with Nina while I'm asleep." He blinks and then mutters "Is that what that noise was coming from your room last night?" He then shakes his head. "Well, I'm sorry I can't help you, but I do have a message from Lord Zalgo for you.""Shoot.""He said me and you need to go to his office." I sigh and rub my face. If he called someone to his office, that meant he was giving them a mission. But wait. (m/n) barely ever went on missions, and if he did it would always be with Jane since Zalgo didn't trust anyone else to not flirt with him. Favourite much? I sigh and nod replying with "Alright. Let's go now then." (m/n) nods we begin to walk through the twisted hallways in silence. (m/n) was never much of a talker, and neither was I, so it was expected. We finally came across a pair of black and red oak door that had a large, tooth grin painted through the middle of it. I knocked on the door and someone yelled "Enter!" From the inside. So we entered and saw that Zalgo was sat at his desk, a frown plastered on his many mouths and his arms crossed.

When he noticed that it was us, he seemed to brighten up a little, but not a lot. "Alright, I'm going to get straight to the point today." He started. "I have something that I need to drop off at Slender's mansion and I can't leave. So, since you two are the only ones that don't have any mission currently, you two have to do it. Also, (m/n), I have something that I want you to test out." (m/n) gave a careless shrug next to me. "Alright. What is it?""Come here." Without any hesitance, he walked to Zalgo's side. "Open." He did so and Zalgo placed something on his tounge. "Swallow." With a bit of a struggle, (m/n) managed to do as he was told. His eyes scrunched up and his mouth turned into a small yet tight frown as what I assumed to be a pill fell down his throat, forming a small lump that slowly slid down until we could no longer see it in his neck. His (e/c) widened as his left one disappeared leaving an empty socket, the right one turned a hot pink, his hair turned hot pink to match his eye, he was now wearing a black hoodie with neon pink jeans and black and white converse. He blinked rapidly in shock. "Here. Wear this." Zalgo handed him a white mask with one eyehole, the other being a cross with a hurriedly scribbled zig-zag line for the mouth. "Your name is now red angel*. I'd explain more but I have too much to do. Now go and hurry back. Also, don't rape (m/n)." I nod and watch as Zalgo hands (m/n) a duffle bag before we exit. "You look weird as shit y'know." I say as we begin to walk towards the portal room. "You think I don't know?" He answered back. His voice still sounded the same, but that didn't really matter. In fact, I don't understand why Zalgo disguised him in the first place. Ah, who knows. Not me, obviously.

A Discarded Memory (M!Creepypasta x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now