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Im happy that summer is just around the corner, even though I’ll have to work my ass off I will at least have a month out of work… that’s when the studio closes so everyone gets a tiny holiday. All I do is stay in a trailer the whole day though, behind a kitchen cooking. Sometimes I get some fresh air after lunch time, but then its tea time and Im back in the kitchen again.

I get to see a lot of celebrities that work in the studios but I don’t get to talk to them or meet them, Im too busy to actually start a conversation. That’s the worst part of my job I must admit but the salary is good, at least for me that I pay for my own stuff.

“Steph! Here’s the next order I want it in 30 minutes, can you do that or you’re too busy listening to music?” Melanie, my boss said from outside the trailer, she always was so sarcastic and always treated me like bullshit, I still didn’t get why though, I was never mean to her, ever.

I let out a sigh and started looking the orders… celebrities sure were picky but I was a good cooker so nothing was really challenging. I had short bright red hair but it was long enough to put in on a ponytail, I did so and washed my hands.

“Smashed potatoes with salmon” was the first order, it didn’t really say who ordered it so I never knew who asked for what, I just cooked it and gave it to Melanie to deliver it to each set. After some minutes Melanie knocked at my door.

-Are you done? –she said opening the door.

-Yeah –I said giving her the orders.

-Good, you have lunch now, for two hours –she said walking away.

I took some food that was left from the orders and ate it, I always did that so no food would be wasted, after eating I drank some water, putting on my earphones and sitting in the stairs outside the trailer.

-Hey guys the food is here! –Melanie said entering the Teen Wolf set.

-I was starving! –Dylan said jumping into the food.

-Easy! –Melanie said giggling.

-Mel you always make the most delicious food! –Tyler said taking a plate.

-Yeah –she nervously laughed- of course I do! –she said.

-How do you do it though? –Holland asked.

-What? –Melanie asked confused.

-Delivering all the orders and cooking them, you must be flash –she laughed- you sure you don’t have any help? –Holland asked wondering.

-Oh no! I have help to deliver them but I cook everything –she said nervously laughing.

-That’s nice, a girl who can cook –Daniel said teasing her female costars.

-Hey what’s that supposed to mean? –Crystal said.

-Im just saying! –Daniel said laughing.

After they all ate they kept on working, Melanie left with the dirty dishies and walked towards my trailer. “Steph, here are the dishes” she said leaving all the dirty dishes in a table. “Great” I thought to myself, the girl who washed the dishes was sick so I had to do both, cook and wash, hopefully she will be back in two days.

The day was almost over, Melanie asked me for one last salad for someone who apparently would stay longer on set, I didn’t have enough ingredients to make that exact same salad so I made another one, trying to be as similar as the one she asked for.

-What the fuck is this Stephanie?! –Melanie yelled as I gave her the salad.

-The salad you asked for? –I said looking behind her.

Dylan and Tyler were walking out of the Teen Wolf set, it’s the first time in days I see them, I barely saw any of them and if I did would be only for a couple of minutes, watching them walk by.

-Are you stupid or what? This is NOT the salad I asked for! You know how mad they will get at me now?! –Melanie yelled as I looked how Dylan and Tyler stood there watching the scene.

-I didn’t have enough ingredients –I said rolling my eyes.

-Are you giving me an attitude?! I could fire you in no time, you better stop with that attitude.

-I AM giving you an attitude? If you don’t want to disappoint your clients then buy enough ingredients I can’t do shit if I don’t have the exact same ingredients –I said looking straight into her eyes.

-You better watch your mouth, now leave! –Melanie said as Dylan walked towards her.

-Is everything alright Mel? –he asked looking at me walking towards the trailer.

-D-Dylan! Y-yes everything’s fine –Melanie nervously said.

-Are you sure? Why were you yelling at that poor girl? –Tyler asked.

-Because she got a delivery wrong, Im sorry I just like everything perfect, that girl is just a mess—

Melanie said before getting interrupted by Dylan who sure looked mad at her.

-I could swear you were yelling at her for not “cooking” what you asked for –Dylan sarcastically said.

-Uh… -Melanie was looking for a way to explain.

-Nevermind… I think you fooled everyone after all –Tyler said annoyed.

-Wha…what? Are you serious? But I do cook! –Melanie said nervous.

-Sure you cook –Dylan said while both walked away.

-Are you happy now?! –she yelled towards my trailer.

I can’t deny a little smile came out of my face, at least someone recognized my job, and not some bitch taking credit for it. I took my stuff and walked towards the bus stop, I was still saving for a car, one thing at a time.

I was there listening to music and I giggled, actually it was really nice to know Dylan and Tyler got mad at her for lying… what if things change a little bit from now on? Little by little people could start noticing it’s me who cooks and maybe I could get a little raise.

Before The Worst (Daniel Sharman / completed)Where stories live. Discover now