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Three days passed, I tried not to go out of my apartment since my front door was full of paps and everytime I went outside they would shout questions at me, questions I didn't want to answer, could you imagine me telling them I have a "boyfriend" and since they're on you all the time they would eventually find out there's no "boyfriend" and that would make a fool of both of us. I entered the set and I avoided saying hi to anyone that was around, I managed to sneak in. "So it's official" someone behind me said as I jumped from the scare "Jesus Hoechlin you scare the shit out of me" I yelled as he laughed.

-Im sorry I didn't mean to -he apologized.

I think it's the first time he ever apologizes at me... that's new. I tried not to look scared and faked a smile.

-Things surely spread fast... -I said letting out a sigh.

-That's right, be careful though the press can be a thousand times worse than me at teasing -he laughed.

-I know... I just... I wanted my name to be out there because of my food... but now it's out there for all the wrong reasons -I said looking away.

-Welcome to Hollywood -he said leaving.

"Hollywood" right, I forgot how of a hell it was, lack of privacy and always watching what you can or can't do... such a pain. "Im sorry" I heard as I was lost in my thoughts "What?" I asked turning around.

-Im sorry I dragged you into this -Posey said embarrased.

-It's alright, I know what I was getting into when I accepted, right? -I said trying to cheer him up.

-Oh... well... -he smiled.

-I should probably get back to work-

I said as someone jumped into the kitchen yelling "You two are officially together?!" it was Holland, who as usual was excited as ever.

-What?! N-no -I said as Tyler looked at me hopeless.

-Oh... -Holland said sitting on the table- Im sorry I... sorry -she said embarrased.

-I mean we're not together, alright? don't believe everything the press say... right? -I said trying to fix the situation.

-Also because Steph has a boyfriend -Tyler said looking at me.

Boyfriend! right! Man I really need to do something about that... Being honest wasn't an option because I can't just say I made that up... that would be sooooo embarrasing I can't let that happen.

-We broke up -I suddenly said.

-What?! -Tyler asked impressed.


-Was it because-

-No, we were having problems from before -I interrupted him.

-Alright... -he said not so convinced.

-So you're single again! -Holland said after awhile.

Posey was called out as he left, Holland looked at me excited to know more, so she sat beside me with a happy look.

-Tell me the details! I thought you were more into Daniel to be honest, you know he's more your type -she said sustaining her chin on the palm of her hand.

-M-my type? How come? -I nervously said.

-You know, he's more mature, you're so quiet and mature yourself... Posey it's just all over the place, just like Dylan! but you know what they say, opposites attract -she laughed.

-Right... -I said looking away.

-So, are you together or not? -she asked wondering.

-No, we only went out once and I don't even know if we will go out again... hey since you know the cast more, for how long has Daniel been dating? -I asked trying not to sound so interested.

-Oh so you do have a thing for Daniel after all -she giggled.

-N-no Im just curious! -I said blushing.

-Well I guess around four months now -she said thiking.

-Do you know his girlfriend?

-Of course! she's been here twice, she's a really nice girl -she smiled.

-Cool -I said letting out a sigh.

-Hey cheer up, gorgeous men are all over the place, if not just look around! -she said looking around.

-Right -I nodded.

The day was over and I was walking towards the bus stop when someone honked, I jumped a little from the scare and then I turned around. It was Daniel's car as he lowered the window "Are you going home?" he said as my mind went blank for a couple of seconds. "Y-yeah I am" I nervously said after awhile.

-Get in, Im leaving too -he nicely said.

I can either accept and have a nice ride home again or just ignore his invitation and take the bus as usual... what to do...

-Thank you but I rather take the bus -I said.

-Are you sure? -he cheekily asked.

-Yes Im-

"Yo Steph! I'll give you a ride!" Tyler yelled from the parking lot where he was. I looked above Daniel's car to meet Tyler's eyes looking at me and smiled "Um... is that okay with you?" I said as Daniel rolled his eyes. "Sure! come!" Tyler yelled back as I looked at Daniel.

-Sorry... I don't want your girlfriend to get the wrong idea -I said walking away towards Tyler's car.

I got into Tyler's car and we talked about how the day went, some paps got us by the exit of the set but we didn't really care anymore, we weren't doing anything illegal and besides they can believe whatever they want to, I don't really have a boyfriend to give explanations to anyway so why would I care? We got to my apartment and he asked me if I would like him to come inside for a little bit, I told him it was too soon and that I was feeling really tired. To be honest I didn't want him to go to my apartment, I'm not that kind of girl and doing so would give the press even more to talk about, I didn't care what they believe but I do care about my public image as a "lady" or a "whore" as Hoechlin said, the press can be a pain if they want to.

Before The Worst (Daniel Sharman / completed)Where stories live. Discover now