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12:30pm and it was time for lunch, today though I decided to make the orders earlier so I'd have more free time to do nothing. Melanie got there and didn't even say hello, took all the orders and left, she has always been such a jealous bitch, I don't get why she's so mean.

The last set was the Teen Wolf set; she entered a little bit embarrassed since everyone might know by now she's not the one who makes the food.

-Oh hi Melanie, Dylan told us you're a little liar? –Holland sarcastically said.

-It's not like that –she nervously laughed.

-Right, not like that –Dylan sarcastically said biting an apple.

-It's just that—

Melanie said when Tyler interrupted her "No Melanie there's no excuse" he said as Melanie looked down and Holland gave Posey the look.

-Tyler you're being rude –Holland said.

-So? She was rude to that poor girl too –Tyler said.

-We all have our bad days –Holland defended her.

-No I thought she was a nice person but no, it was freaking cinderella being yelled by her evil step sister! –Tyler yelled mad.

-True –Dylan nodded.

"But I—" Melanie tried to say when Tyler interrupted her again.

-Oh and Im making a petition to make someone else deliver us the food –he said looking at Dylan who nodded.

-Fine! –Melanie said mad walking away the set.

She quickly walked towards my trailer, where I was sitting outside listening to music and reading a book, she stood in front of me with fury and I took my phones off and looked at her. "What?" I asked expecting her to leave soon.

-I swear, if you get in my way Stephanie I'll burn you –Melanie yelled.

-Oh I love it when you threaten me… how nice, may I keep reading now? -I said as she walked away.

She sure had an obsession with getting into the Hollywood world, what was so cool about it anyway? I don't like it one bit, people stick their noses into your life, you can't do anything you want because of the paps, you can't even walk around normally because fans might get you... I mean it has to have good things but if I could choose I'd rather stay low profile.

I got home and took a shower, after that I had dinner, I turned off the tv and jumped into bed. I was feeling really tired and if it wasn't because I like cooking I would have quit a long time ago, who could possibly deal with Melanie's personality? I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

The next morning something was off, Mr. McConelly was there, maybe Melanie said something to him and he would probably fire me.

 -Stephanie! –Mr McConelly said hugging me.

“What” I thought to myself Mr. McConelly was a nice man but he had his trust into Melanie so whatever she said he would believe it.

-Im giving you a raise, I hired another chef that will be working with you, because you’ll have to deliver the food to set 3 if that’s okay with you? –he nicely asked.

-Me? What about Melanie? –I asked confused.

-The set asked a change of the delivery so I thought why not you since you’ve been working inside that kitchen for too long and I know a raise will suit you good –he smiled.

-Thank you really much Mr. McConelly –I smiled back.

I didn’t even care about what the work was but if there’s a raise related then Im in, I entered the trailer and a young man was there.

-Hello my name is James –he giggled.

-Hello James, Im Stephanie –I smiled.

-Nice to meet you –he nicely said.

He looked about 6’3’’ brown short hair, hazel eyes and a nice smile. He had his muscles, not too skinny but not too fat either.

-Are you good with cooking? –I sarcastically asked.

-I just went out of college, I assume I am –he laughed.

-Okay –I nodded.

He cooked the meals that took more time, I did the desserts and took the orders from set 3, I didn’t know which set that one was since I never knew where the orders were going, I was walking towards the set and the door was open. I slowly opened it and there was a table, I knew delivering the food was also putting it on the table and leaving everything ready for them to pick a plate and serve the food, just like the buffets. No one was there yet so I quickly prepared everything. I put a small flower in the middle of the table just as a nice touch when someone walked towards the table. Even though no one was there I could hear them somewhere inside the set talking.

-Hey what’s your name? –someone behind me said.

-Oh hey Im… Stephanie –I said blushing.

-Im Dylan –he smiled.

-Well Im leaving… I’ll be back in 30 minutes to pick everything up –I said walking towards the exit.

-Hey wait! Your food is delicious! –he said with a huge smile on his face.

-Why thank you! –I said finally leaving the set.

I couldn’t believe it, it was actually the Teen Wolf set. Did they ask for Melanie to be changed? Woah that’s fucked up, she probably hates me by now since that cast was the easiest one to get along with, the rest are older.

-Hey Matthew! –Tyler yelled.

-What Posey?

-Can I ask you something?


-Can we like… ask for the girl who makes the food to be our personal chef? I mean we had one but you know what happened…

-She had an attitude and only cared about the money! –Holland said annoyed.

-Well most people that work on this area are here for the money Holland… -Tyler said.

-But this girl is different she’s so young yet her food is so professional! –Dylan said with sparkling eyes.

-So you all agree with that? –Matthew asked.

-Look, what about I make a petition to see who’s in? –Tyler suggested.

-Well that’s fair so everyone can vote –Matthew said.

-Yes! –Tyler said excited.

-But don’t get too excited Posey, she works for a company and she has to quit that job in order to accept this other one –Holland said.

-I know! –Tyler said.

Before The Worst (Daniel Sharman / completed)Where stories live. Discover now