Chapter 3 - Aeroplanes

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  • Dedicated to Danielle Catly

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Chapter 3



    The door was locked, so she had to use her own emergency key that she always kept in her favourite shoulder bag.

    Once she finished knocking her boots clean, she stepped into silence.

    After their trip to the store (and treating Elaine to a cup of hot cocoa at the café as payment for her company), Clara found herself alone back at the house.

    Her aunt already left for work, so it seemed. She saw a note stuck on the fridge as proof.

"Took the car, like I said I would. See you later. -K"

    Clara read Karee's neat writing swiftly and then made her way to the bedroom after crumpling the paper and tossing it in the bin.

    Before doing anything else, she shut the windows.

    Her aunt hadn't forgotten to leave them open, just like Clara expected. The heater was off, and Clara rushed to turn it on. She didn't take her boots off yet, fearing the cold again.

    She placed her package on the bed, the one that held her new photography equipment. Clara bought herself a simple, yet professional, digital Polaroid camera. She took it out and tested it. Her camera presented a photograph, which Clara shook in the air to see.

    "Nice," Clara said, satisfied with the simplicity of it all. She liked things as they are.

    She then removed her gloves and moved towards the heater to warm her fingertips. Clara sighed and then proceeded to remove her boots, exposing her mismatched socks. She wore a black left one and a right blue one.

    She recalled haphazardly putting on the nearest random clean socks before she left that day. Elaine unexpectedly came an hour early and basically told Clara to get a move on. Clara chuckled in thought.

    The other black sock was being used as a tooth sack for carrying her own collection of her fallen milk teeth. She kept it hidden in a box in the closet and left it to gather layers of dust along with other seldom used knick-knacks.

    Clara wasn't also one to believe in the Tooth Fairy, or Santa Claus, or even the Easter Bunny anymore. She has never experienced a proper youth; growing up was hard if you felt like you were supposed to be mature in every situation. Clara had stopped believing in any childhood legend since that very night.

    She found herself recollecting some memories again as she gazed at her black sock. She quickly shook her head side to side to rid herself of them to save her heart from aching. Clara sauntered out of the bedroom to go and change in the toilet.

    When she returned, the windows were open again. Clara stifled a shriek, having a mini-heart attack while thinking this was a ghost's doing. But then she remembered that she only forgot to lock it up.

    It might be just the wind passing by, Clara reassured herself in her mind.

    The curtains billowed. A strong current of air invaded the bedroom, and her eyes widened in fright.

    She stomped over to the windowsill, muttering, "No, no, no, no, no..."

    Clara shut the window, locked the latch, and made sure that no snow can enter the room. "Stay," she ordered the window as if it will open up by itself again.

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