Chapter 16 - Trouble

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Oh gosh wow... ^.^ I'm so out of schedule right now. But you guys aren't gonna complain when I'm literally a week early, right? Well, you better get used to it. ;) Come December, you guys are going to like what I'm gonna give you guys for Christmas...

So for the time being, enjoy and vote! :D And remember not to forget to comment <3

Also, Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thanking you guys for all of the support and your patience xD Just five days ago, 'Brightest' is now officially nine months old! And quite a lot can happen in nine months... ;)

Happy reading!


Chapter 16



    Dead. When Clara met Venus, she had no idea why a girl in a red sundress and high heels would treat her as if she came back from the dead. 

    That, in itself, was creepy for the both of them. 

    Clara talked to North first about this since she guessed that he should know the most about the matter. 

    North answered, "Maybe you look like old friend?" He shrugged after that, which surprised Clara. 

    "Maybe... But we might look a lot alike since that pretty Venus lady actually thought I was her." 

    North chuckled nervously and twiddled his thumbs together, making his rings tinkle. 

    Clara noticed the Nightmare King's absence and then asked North about it. 

    "He is checking up on Nightmares, should be back soon," the Guardian of Wonder responded. He genuinely didn't know because Clara can see the worry in his face. 

    A Yeti came by and asked for North's coat and hat, which the Guardian gave to him. He grunted a greeting towards Clara and hobbled off to put away North's belongings. 

    North smiled at Clara. "If you do not mind, Clara, I will be going to my workshop to make more toys for Christmas." He gave her one of his all-knowing, grandfatherly smiles and went off to his personal office. 

    Even if North did well enough to hide it, Clara knew that whatever Santa Claus knew about Venus and Clarisse, he was keeping it from her. Clara pouted. Aren't I ready enough for Guardian information? 

    Since Bunny and Sandy went off to grab some food, Clara made her way for Tooth. Clara saw her sitting with her mini-fairies on one of the upholstered armchairs by the fireplace. What was surprising was that the Tooth Fairy Queen was watching her intently, like she was urging her to come. 

    Curious, Clara sat down on the other chair in front of her, the very chair where Jack sat on when Clara was telling him of how she moved to Peachborough. Tooth's miniscule helpers stayed silent as she spoke first. 

    "I'm sorry you had to see one of our old friends that way." 

    Clara looked at the lady in blue-green feathers. "Why are you sorry?" 

    "Maybe... you expected your childhood legends to be a bit more... I don't know, I don't have a word for it." The Guardian of Memories shifted her gaze towards the flames. 

    Jack's magic started to disappear from Clara's senses. She felt the tingles leaving her skin to be replaced by a soft caress from the warmth of the fireplace. Clara replied, "Look here, Tooth. There's nothing to be sorry for. I don't mind any 'childhood legend' crying over me." 

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