Chapter 18 - The Hidden Haven

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Chapter 18



    Lucky enough, Clara was allowed to come. It looked like only Jack, Bunny, and Clara were about to go to Mother Nature's Sanctuary. At this point, Clara had finally convinced North that she had to go with them this time. 

    She told the Guardian of Wonder that Jack and Bunny might bicker on the way, and luckily for her, North said that it happened a lot. So, he thoroughly reconsidered it. 

    North was still hesitant to let her go, bearing in mind what he just went through earlier today. But after Bunnymund mentioned that the Sanctuary was a place of security, North let Clara tag along. 

    Clara decided to dress down, since Bunny also said the place would be warm. So, she only wore a long-sleeved shirt and a leather jacket to stay warm if a cold breeze blew past them. 

    Old habits die hard, Clara said in her mind with a smirk. She let her beanie stay like she said to Jack. 

    Speaking of whom, the Spirit of Winter felt miserable that he had to leave favourite blue hoodie with the Yetis. The lower half of his left sleeve had been torn off during the fight. North told him it had to be repaired, and the Yetis were the only ones capable. 

    Clara saw Jack standing beside the Easter Bunny in only his white shirt and his old brown pants, pouting as he inspected his staff. She noticed his eye had healed really quickly, since he was a Guardian. She ran over to them. 

    The others won't be coming because: 

    One, Santa Claus had to make preparations for Christmas. 

    Two, the Tooth Fairy had to work double-time, now that her fairy population had depleted to only half of what it was in her absence. 

    Three, the Sandman had to keep children from having bad dreams. 

    Four, Cupid was intent on finishing her manicure and getting some rest. Plus she hated the woman. 

    And five, the Boogeyman was missing-in-action. 

    "Righty-oh, let's get down to the Sanctuary," Bunny said once Clara arrived at their side. 

    "How are we going to get there?" Clara asked. 

    "Oh, no. Not this one," Jack muttered. 

    The Pooka smirked. "Simple: down the rabbit hole." 

    With three taps of his foot, a large gaping hole swallowed Jack and Clara, the latter screamed for her life. 

    Bunny jumped in after her, closing the portal. 

    They slid down a wide earth tunnel. Clara, after getting over her shock, began to laugh as they zoomed down and around. They didn't go past any tree roots, since these tunnels went deep, deep underground. It was like riding through the tubes in a water park. Fun! 

    "This... is... awesome!" Clara yelled, tears forming in her eyes from the speed of their descent. 

    "I know!" Jack replied. He was ahead of Clara and Bunny, using his staff to 'surf' the tunnel like he had done this before. "This is the only cool thing about the Easter Bunny." Jack turned his head towards the frowning Pooka. "No offence, though." 

    "None taken, mate," Clara heard Bunny say sarcastically. 

    Jack flashed Bunnymund a wide, devilish grin before heading straight for the light up ahead. 

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