The One Where I Saw My Ex-boyfriend With His New Girlfriend

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I wandered aimlessly around the mall, window shopping at the cool stores, trying to figure out exactly what to get Elliott. Even though he'd given me some pointers, I was still stumped about what he might like. Sure, I could follow his cues and get him some ice hockey memorabilia, a Springsteen album, a new football, something Star Wars related, a building kit or some funny blue slogan t-shirts, but that's what he'd be expecting. I didn't want to be predictable.

I wanted to be unpredictable.

"Well, well, well," a nauseating voice said from behind me. Once again, I was stood outside a store called ManStuff, trying to determine if the flying helicopter was within my budget, and more importantly, would Elliott like a flying helicopter? My thoughts were interrupted by an overly cheery- and fake, voice. Looking up at the window, I could see the reflection of one of my former friends looking at me callously. "If it isn't the dull as dishwater, Peyton Ellis."

Stacey Morgan, at one time, had been one of my closest friends. I've known Stacey since we were nine and our parents used to be close, meaning our friendship had been half forced, half naturally occurring. Stacey is one of those girls that is ridiculously popular and who thought she was better than everyone else. She never used to be like that; she used to be sweet and down-to-earth, and a great friend, but back in sophomore year she started dating one of the jocks over at St FX and quickly ditched her friends.

I haven't spoken to her since the day she deemed me unworthy of her friendship.

"What are you doing here?" She sneered at me. "I didn't think they let freaks like you into Liberty Mall."

Behind her stood a few of her underlings. I recognized most, but there was one girl that I didn't know. She was tall, blonde with blue eyes and she was stood father back that the other girls. While Stacey's cronies looked at me with the same hateful look Stacey gave me, the girl at the rear of the group shot daggers at the back of Stacey's head. When she'd glared enough at the back of Stacey's head, she shot her attention over at me. Her eyes softened and she gave me a sweet smile, letting me know that she didn't share any of Stacey's hatred for me.

"Do us all a favor, loser," Stacey spat at me, stomping forward so that she towered over me in her heeled boots. "Get lost. No one likes you, no one wants you around, and no one would care if you dropped off the face of the planet. Skedaddle, weirdo."

Even though she told me to leave, Stacey turned on her heels and headed for another store, letting her long hair whip in my face as she turned. Her so-called friends followed her quickly, all except the blonde girl who still had her eyes on me.

"For the record," her voice was soft as she spoke. "I like you, I want you around, and I would care if you dropped off the face of the earth, Peyton." She started to follow Stacey's group when she suddenly turned back around and introduced herself. "I'm Aubrey Anthony, by the way."

Aubrey Anthony? Anthony? Like, Elliott Anthony?

My eyes widened as I let the news sink in. I had just met Elliott's sister, and she knew my name. My real name. What if she told Elliott that I'm not Olivia Campbell? Oh, God, this is going downhill so fast that I don't think the train to Hell could possible stop. Well, if that's the way it's headed, I may as well make the most of the situation while I still can.

I fished out my cell phone and pulled up my contact list, pressing the green call button when I found the name I was looking for.


"Who am I killing?" Jackson's voice possessively growled down the phone. "Please, tell me it's that asshole you call your ex."

I laugh. "There will be no killing, Jackson," I can't help but smile at how over-protective my brother is. Even if he's hundreds of miles away. "I was just calling to see if you could help me with something. I need to buy this guy a Christmas gift and I'm stuck. Any ideas?"

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