The One Where I Met Santa

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"Oh, no," Elliott grumbled, his eyes wide with panic when he spotted the blonde woman from earlier walking towards us. Quickly, he grabbed a hold of my hand and tried to push us out of the auditorium, but the throng of people made it hard to get anywhere. When he realized this, Elliott groaned and dropped his head to rest on my shoulder blade. "Ignore everything my mother says."

"Elliott Rhys Anthony!" A shrill voice called out over the crowd. People around us turned to look at the commotion, but no one had real interest in what was going on. Suddenly, the statuesque blonde was stood in front of us, the tanned arms reaching out to hug Elliott. "Were you and your girlfriend trying to sneak out without coming to talk to your mother?"

"Yes," Elliott mumbled, although I'm sure I was the only one to hear it. His face sobered and he flashed a tight smile at his mom. "We actually have plans-"

"Nonsense," Elliott's mother swatted the air with her hand before her eyes met mine. They trained up and down my body, no doubt scrutinizing everything about me. I had a suspicious feeling that Mrs. Anthony was one of those RHOBH types and would look down at me. She wouldn't be the first one to do so. When her eyes finally stopped on my face, she took a step back and gave me a look of awe. "You're so pretty. My, Byron, isn't she pretty?"

The man stood over her left shoulder nodded. "Yes, Candace, she's very pretty."

Elliott snorted, a move that earnt him a glare from both his mother and I. However, it was Mrs. Anthony that spoke first. "Manners, Elliott. Now, formally introduce us."

My heartbeat increased rapidly. It was one thing pretending to be someone else when it was just Elliott and I. At least with him, I could brush it off as a case of mistaken identity. If I told his mom that I was Olivia Campbell, I'd be outright lying, and that was not okay with me. At all.

Thankfully, before Elliott could introduce me, and before I had to lie, Isabel Anthony came running for us, jumping into her brother's arms and crossing her legs behind his back. She still wore her white angel dress, the halo suspended above her golden head, and she flashed Elliott a big smile.

"You made it," she practically yelled at her brother. "I didn't think you would come. Momma said you had a date."

"Yes, I made it," Elliott rolled his eyes hard but he still stuck his tongue out at his sister. "I'm here, aren't I?"

"I guess," Isabel said, sticking her tongue out at her brother, making me laugh. Suddenly, Isabel's blue stare moved onto me and she gave me the same look her mother had just moments earlier. In a not-so-quiet whisper, she leaned towards her brother. "Is she your date?" Elliott nods, making Isabel smile politely at me. "Hello, I'm Isabel Jane Anthony. This doofus is my brother."

I think I just fell in love with Isabel Jane Anthony.

"Pleasure to meet you, Isabel," I say, returning her smile. I knew this was the juncture where I should give her my name, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead, I defaulted to chit chat. "You were great in the show."

A small blush crept onto the girl's cheeks. "Thank you," Isabel graciously accepted my compliment. "Also, thank you for coming and making sure Elliott was here. Usually, when he's out with a girl, he doesn't come home until the next morning."

There was a deafening silence that followed Isabel's words. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony didn't know where to look and were casting awkward glances at each other, while Elliott gave Isabel a cold glare that made the girl shift nervously in his hold. I, meanwhile, was the most awkward. There's knowing about Elliott Anthony's reputation as a guy that sleeps around, but when you're confronted with it, it's suddenly real and there's no escaping it. In situations like this, there's only two things you can do. You can either confront the whole thing, or laugh it off.

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