The One Where He's Bambi On Ice

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"What happened?" Elliott asked, his voice filled with anger. When I was close enough to him, I carefully dropped the bags on the floor and threw my arms around his neck, burying my head into his shoulder. I felt Elliott's strong arms tangle around my waist and hold me there, like I was too fragile to let go of. "Hey," Elliott's soft voice whispered into my ear as one of his hands came to pat my hair down. When he pulled away, his eyes bore into mine. "Don't cry, sweetheart."

Just hearing those words- coupled with that sentiment at the end- made me burst into tears once again. It was embarrassing to say the least, but I couldn't help it. I'd just seen Markus with another girl, pretending like he hadn't completely shattered my heart six months ago. When had he gotten a new girlfriend anyway? I guessed that the girl didn't go to my school because everyone there knew that Markus had ripped out my heart and stomped all over it, until I was just a shell of a person. Even though I wasn't on friendly terms with most of the girls at St. Bernadette's, we all believed in Rule #1 of Girl Code- don't date another girl's ex, especially if the break up was messy.

I hadn't cried over Markus Levine in weeks, not since his birthday in October. Since then, I'd done pretty well in keeping my Markus-related emotions in check. Today, however, had been my undoing.

I had prepared myself for this day- the day when I'd come face to face with the boy that broke my heart. I knew exactly what I would say, what I would do, and I had even told myself that I would not cry over him. Yet, none of those preparations came into play today when I needed them the most. I hadn't held my head up high, I hadn't given him a lecture on shattering my love for him, and instead of holding my ground, I fled. In tears.

I ran away. Straight into Elliott Anthony's arms.

"Baby, what's happened?" He implored once more, his voice losing all its calm undertones. It was now replaced with pure anger. "Who made you cry?"

I pulled out of the comforting embrace and hastily wiped my eyes with the back of my hands. "Do I look like a Panda? I bet I do."

"You look beautiful, as always," Elliott assured me, his hands reaching up to my face where his thumbs brushed across my cheeks carefully. "You're avoiding my question, though. Why. Are. You. Crying?"

I didn't want Elliott to know anything about Markus, or our break up, or why I turned into a blubbering wreck when I saw him for the first time in months. Yes, I'd already referred to my ex-boyfriend, but delving deeper into the mess was a no-go area for me. Up until five minutes ago, I had seemed normal to Elliott; if I told him that the reason I'm crying is because I'm an emotional wreck after a bitter break up, Elliott would think that I'm some sort of freak.

I couldn't have him looking at me like that.

"Can we not talk about it, please?" I plead with him my hands resting on his beating chest. "Elliott, whether this is a real date or not, I've enjoyed myself so far and I don't want to go and ruin it."

Elliott frowns. "Look," he says slowly, his vivid green eyes still trained on mine. "To me, this is a real date and yes, I've enjoyed it too. There's nothing you could say to ruin it but if you don't want to talk about it, I won't force you to. So," he gives me a strained smile as he picks up the shopping bags with one hand and taking mine in his other hand. "How about we move on to Phase Three of this date?"

Without waiting for a reply, Elliott leads me to the exit of Liberty Mall and directs me to the parking lot. As we walk, I can't take my eyes off Elliott, wondering who on Earth he really is. Had all the rumors I'd heard about him been complete fabrications? This boy that had just held me tightly while I cried like a baby couldn't possibly be the same guy that allegedly slept with two different girls in less than twenty-four hours, could he? Talk about Jekyll and Hyde if he is the one and the same.

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