Chapter Two

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It was very weird getting ready for school this morning. For a while, I couldn't get the dream out of my head. But by the time I was eating breakfast, it was long gone, besides, breakfast was delicious. We had chocolate chip pancakes, sausage, and Scrambled eggs. Once we finished eating, we were ushered out to the car and we were on our way to school. We were late for school, but it really didn't matter.

I walked through the hallways of this ridiculously large place, feeling very confused. I had no idea what to do with myself. How was I supposed to find all of my classes? All I had was my homeroom. I made my way to the homeroom and walk in feeling really, really out of place. I was all American. I didn't have a drop of Japanese blood in me. I must seem like a freak.

Without even looking at any of my classmates, I handed my teacher my papers, and was quickly I should see it was pointed out to me. I doodled in my notebook for little while since class hadn't actually started yet, which kind of surprised me. To my side was an orange haired boy, who was talking to another person next to him. Upon further inspection, it was a brown haired boy and next to him was another orange haired boy who looked exactly like the one next to me. I made an internal note that they were probably Twins, but I didn't want to assume. After some time, but before the class actually started, the brown haired boy turned and looked at me. His expression was filled with curiosity, but somehow he still managed to look like he was bored.


I pretended not to hear him and continue to doodle in my book. I waited for some time for him to stop caring, but I realized that he wasn't going to move on. He just kept looking at me in the same way.

"Hi," he tried again, and noticed the twins looking at me now, too. I let a moment pass as I shut my book and turned to them.

"Hey," I answered with a respectful smile, feeling uncomfortable but not wanting to be rude. "What's your name?"

"Haruhi, you?" He said pleasantly, a friendly smile on his face. He had very pretty, feminine eyes, too.

"Valerie. Nice to meet you." I said. Assuming the conversation was over, I turned away. I didn't expect anyone to talk to me, much less keep up a full conversation. I was actually hoping I would be left alone, at least for today. I realized I was wrong as soon as he continued talking.

"You're an American," It was more of a statement than a question, so I nodded in response. "Do you have a club yet?"

I blinked at him in confusion, not sure how to answer. I didn't have one on my paperwork, and to be honest, I hadn't even thought about it. "Um, well, no. Why?"

"I was just wondering. I was new here once, too. It's not easy." He said. I could tell he was a naturally friendly person, but the brothers... They had mischief and mayhem written on their foreheads.

"Oh, well, thanks. I haven't really even considered clubs yet," I said honestly, giving him a friendly smile in return. "What club are you in?"

The brothers immediately smirked, their eyes looking entertained now. Haruhi, on the other hand, didn't seem phased all that much. "I'm in Host Club with these two. By the way, this is Kaoru, and next to you is Hikaru."

"Twins." I stated flatly, looking at them each for a moment before returning my eyes to Haruhi. They were identical, for sure.

"Yea, they're twins," He seemed humored by my response, but didn't hesitate in the conversation. "If you like, during club time, you can tag along with me. Gives us a chance to hang out. Maybe we can even grow to be friends."

"If you like the club-" said Hikaru suddenly, and then Kaoru continued without a pause, "you can always come back whenever you like."

"Oh, uh... Well, sure. I don't see why not." It doesn't seem like too bad an idea. I could use a friend here, anyway.

"Its in Music room three, go there at club time." Kaoru said, apparently happy with my response. I could tell by the smile.

"If you like, of course." Hikaru said, then gave me a smile that threatened to redden my cheeks. He was really cute and I didn't know how to react, so I gave him a noncommittal shrug. Haruhi gave me a brief, understanding smile. Before anyone could say anything more, the teacher started talking. I quickly became absorbed into the lesson.

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