Chapter One

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Sometimes, life throws you a curve ball. It's not always a good thing, and sometimes it's a really bad thing. It's not my nature to judge things based on the covers. Just like a book, it has to be read thoroughly before you can truly understand it. To be fair, this was not something I ever expected to happen.

I remember the policeman coming to our house and knocking on the door. I remember them having the same expression that my mom had when she told me my goldfish had 'passed on' when I was 7, or when my dad had to tell me that he couldn't afford summer camp one year. I remember, in both instances, that I cried like a little baby.

When I was told my parents died, however, I didn't cry. I knew I had to be strong for my sister. They took us to a place with a lovely family, a wife and husband and their daughter. They were very nice, they treated us like part of their family, but it never felt like home. We stayed there for a while until they told us what they were going to do with us.

It was six months ago when the policemen knocked on our door. Six months ago, we were at home, playing like normal. Six months ago, we didn't know anything was wrong. Six months later, we were standing in the airport in Japan.

We stood there, looking so confused and alone. We had no idea what was going to happen. We had no idea what we were going to do. We were very far from home, and all we wanted was for the bad dream stop.

When our uncle arrived, it really wasn't all that relieving. In fact, it made me feel even worse. It was like the end of the dream that it would all be over soon. I love my uncle, but I want my mom back. I want my dad back. I want our house, our dog, my bed, and all of everything to go back to normal. Even though that's what I wanted, as soon as I saw him, I knew that would never happen.

That was this morning. Now I'm standing in the bedroom, my room, and unpacking my bags. My sister has cried three times since we got off the plane. I haven't cried since before my parents died.

I quickly and easily completed my task, putting all of my things away in the ridiculously large dresser, and hanging up all of my good clothes in the closet. The walk-in closet. The closet the size of my old bedroom. It is ridiculous how big this bedroom is. I mean, I knew my uncle had money, but enough for a guest bedroom of this size? Ridiculous.

My sister's room was just as big, so I didn't feel too bad. We both had queen beds Along with our own different bedsteads. Mine was purple and black, hers was pink and white. My room has black carpets and gentle lilac colored walls. Just about everything in my room matched in some kind of color scheme. Everything is either black, Royal purple, or the gentle Lilac color. I mean, my dresser was black, and my doors where the dark purple. My bed frame, which was wood and had high posts on every corner, was black as well. My sisters room had a similar concept. Except hers was either white, hot pink, or a gentle baby pink. I could tell that my uncle had planned these rooms out for us long before we got here.

Once I was done unpacking, I made my way downstairs. In the living room, my sister, my uncle and his girlfriend were standing in the living room, talking.

"We're going to go out to eat tonight, then you two need to get ready for school tomorrow," my uncle said merrily, then gasped, "I almost forgot! You two are going to need these."

He grabbed two bags off the couch, peeked inside them and handed us each one. "Inside, you will find your school uniforms, your school supplies, and a cell phone. My number is already saved in the phone, along with all the emergency numbers. I already know your numbers, so don't worry about that." he beamed at us, probably looking for some kind of assurance that he did well, so I smiled.

I watched as Emily started digging through her bag, desperate to find her new cell phone. Once she did, she pulled out her old phone from home, and started immediately transferring her contacts over. Suddenly, I thought of something.

"Can we call our friends back home?" I asked timidly. I set about doing the same task as my sister, just in case.

"Of course you can! What do you take me for? I have it all set up, you can text as much as you want and call as much as you want," he laughed, motioning to the phones. "Hell, if you make friends and they happen to move to France or something, you can even call them 24 hours a day."

"This is great! Thanks, uncle Tony." Emily said, already texting god knows who back home. I agreed, but once I was done with the transfer, I put my (probably cost more than my life) phone in my pocket.

"Well, Emily, Valerie, let's go get some dinner in our stomachs. Then we'll come home, get you guys settled and ready for school tomorrow." He grabbed his keys and we were out the door shortly after.

Dinner went by pretty quick. We went to McDonald's, which kind of surprised me. Although everything was in Japanese, I definitely recognized the arches. They were kind of different, though. We got our food and ate, then we drove around for a little while. He showed us our school, where I would be a first year in high school here, and my sister would be in the middle school somewhere. It was huge and it seemed just a little bit expensive. Okay, that's a lie. It looked super expensive. After that, we went home and got prepared. It was already late and I just kind of wanted to go to sleep. I got all of my things ready by myself, even laid out my uniform for tomorrow on top of my dresser. Once everything was in place, I laid down and stared at the ceiling for hours.

Way too late, I finally dozed off into a restless sleep. I wasn't ready. I didn't think I would ever be ready. Tomorrow is the first day of school in this new place that I didn't really understand. I already knew Japanese, since my mother had taught me very young, But that didn't really make me feel any better.

I dreamed about a cat, an orange cat that followed me around, it's piercing eyes watching everything I do. At first it kind of scared me. After a while, I realized that with the cat there, I didn't feel lonely.

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